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他是一个理发师吗?Is he a hairdresser?

那位老理发师是高的。That old hairdresser is tall.

她到理发馆去了。She 's gone to the hairdresser 's.

别忘了给美师小费。Don't forget to tip the hairdresser.

可能只有她的发型师知道到底是怎么回事吧。But only her hairdresser knows for sure.

我的美发师是一位法国的艺术家。My hairdresser is an artist from France.

理发师把我的头发理得很好。The hairdresser made a good job of my hair.

要求理发师洗头并吹干定型。Ask the hairdresser for a wash and blow-dry.

但是我很幸运,因为我的姐姐是一名理发师。But I'm lucky because my sister's a hairdresser.

理发师将吹风机挂到挂钩上。The hairdresser hangs the hairdryer on the hanger.

这个发型屋挺好的。你的头发要怎样弄?This is a good hairdresser. What do you want done?

理发师为人们设计漂亮的发型。A hairdresser designs beautiful hair-style for people.

理发师在用吹风机给自己吹干头发。The hairdresser is drying his hair with the hairdryer.

在美发店的左边有一家服装店。There is a clothes shop on the left of the hairdresser.

所以为什么大家都自以为他们应该指导理发师的工作呢?Why does everybody think they can direct a hairdresser?

您大概相隔多长时间会去美发店消费?How long will you go to the hairdresser apart consumption?

我的头发太长了,该找理发师剪剪了。My hair is getting too long. It's time to hit the hairdresser.

这种典雅大方的发式出自这位理发师之手。This hairdresser designs this elegant and graceful hair-style.

你有留意发型屋里那类杂志吗?Have you ever noticed the kind of magazines the hairdresser has?

头发理完了,理发师发现丹尼尔竟然睡着了。After cutting Daniel's hair, the hairdresser finds Daniel sleeping.