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目前,他用哈吉·乌萨马的名字指挥津坦的反叛军。He now commands rebels in Zintan, using the name Hajj Usama.

官员说,死者中异国发觉麦加朝觐者。No pilgrims attending the annual hajj were among the dead, officials said.

他认为,朝觐节高峰期,柏培拉检疫期间会容纳100多万头牲畜。He says the Berbera quarantine holds over a million animals at the height of the Hajj.

朝觐是穆斯林的五功之一,具有了深层意蕴和文化内涵。Muslim hajj is one of the five skill with the deep subjects and cultural connotations.

已通知沙特阿拉伯注意,朝觐者感染脊髓灰质炎的风险已增大。Saudi Arabia has been notified of the increased risk of polio infection to Hajj pilgrims.

哈吉的最后是一个庆典,宰牲节会礼,由朝觐者一起祈祷庆祝。The end of the Hajj is marked by a festival, Eid Al-Adha, which is celebrated with prayers.

一个穆斯林朝圣者在一年一度的朝觐读取11月11日,2010年摩铝努尔可兰经。A Muslim pilgrim reads the Koran at Mount Al-Noor during the annual Hajj on November 11, 2010.

然而,如果他在成年后完成了朝觐,他就已经完成了主命朝觐。However, if Hajj was performed when he was an adult, then he has fulfilled the obligatory Hajj.

而女人在朝圣时是禁止蒙脸的,即使有些人平常居家都要穿罩袍的。And women on the hajj — even those who wear chadors at home — are forbidden to cover their faces.

他希望能一次又一次地朝觐。“现在,我对朝觐贪求无厌。”Ahmed kept the money for emergencies knowing that a Muslim should not borrow money to perform hajj.

麦加城,位于沙特阿拉伯西部汗志省的干旱地区。它是每一次朝圣巡礼的出发点。Mecca, lies in the arid region of Hejaz, Western Saudi Arabia. It's the starting point for every Hajj.

中国政府说,会给中国派出的全部12700位计划参加今年麦加朝圣的朝圣者接种疫苗。China has said it will vaccinate all the 12, 700 pilgrims planning to make this year’s hajj from China.

沙特阿拉伯王国上个月已经发布了前去参加麦加朝圣旅行者的脊灰免疫要求。The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last month issued polio vaccination requirements for travellers to the Hajj.

每年在朝圣期间,成千上万只骆驼被屠宰,因此需要进口。Thousands of camels are slaughtered every year during the hajj pilgrimage -- hence the need for imports.

麦加朝圣,深入伊斯兰教徒心中的一次神圣之旅。它的悠远影响胜过了帝国统治和战争。The Hajj. A holy pilgrimage into the heart of Islam. Its purpose and call has outlasted empires, and wars.

亲爱的伊斯兰兄弟,非常感谢你的提问,它体现出你对正确地完成朝觐功修的关心。Dear brother in Islam, thank you a lot for your question, which reflects your concern to perform the rituals of Hajj correctly.

朝圣的朝圣者哭,因为他们准备离开时在加德满都特里布万国际机场于2011年10月18日,麦加。Hajj pilgrims cry as they prepare to depart for Mecca from the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu on October 18 2011.

请介绍沙特麦加朝觐者踩踏事件造成中国公民伤亡的最新情况和中方所做工作。Please update us on casualties of Chinese citizens caused by the Hajj stampede in Mecca, Saudi Arabia and efforts made by China.

如今,随着美国所领导的反恐战争已成为全世界的中心议题,安全问题是今年朝圣集会关注的焦点。In a world where the U. S. -led war on terror has dominated the global agenda, security has been a major concern during the hajj.

硝烟中重复的式样让很多人闻到老鼠的味道,结果证实,Hajj甚至复制了其中的一些建筑物。The repeat patterns in the smoke made lots of people smell a rat and it turned out that Hajj had even copied some of the buildings.