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做事不能半途而毁。Neve do thing by halves.

上下半场赛况两重天啊。It's a game of two halves.

别把它弄成两半儿。Don't break it into halves.

把它切成准确的两半儿。Cut it into two exact halves.

合并排好序的两部分。The merge, the sorted halves.

请来两份半品脱苦啤酒。Two halves of bitter, please.

把咸蛋黄对半切开。Cut salted egg yolks in halves.

我们各出一半酒钱。Let's go halves in buying the wine.

桥是分开两半重建的。The bridge was re-built in two halves.

钱被分成了两半。The money was divided into two halves.

将樱桃洗净,开边去核。Rinse the cherry, cut in halves and core.

现在,我需要合并已排好序的部分。So now, I need to merge the sorted halves.

让我们平摊出租车费去那儿。Let me go halves with you in the taxi fare.

最后,两个半球是相互连接着的Now, finally, the two halves are connected.

我快气炸了,这是两个半场的比赛。Now, finally, the two halves are connected.

这倒像个接头暗号分成了两半。It was like the two halves of a countersign.

我们什么时候才能在上下半场的比赛都发挥得同样出色?When are we going to turn up for both halves?

劳驾,买去市中心的两张全票和两张半票。Two and two halves to the city centre, please.

但“共生体”中的这两半却能互相补充。But the two halves of Chimerica are complementary.

你能把这个被摔成两半的碗粘在一起吗?。Can you marry up the two halves of the broken bowl?