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这是我的手工艺品。This is my handicraft.

他们有手艺。They have a handicraft.

手工费是多少?How much is the handicraft fee?

我想买这手工艺品。这要多少钱?I want to buy this handicraft. How much is it?

加粗手绣线。Overstriking the handicraft embroidered lines.

剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品。Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft.

景泰蓝时北京的一种传统手工艺品。Cloisonne is a traditional handicraft in Beijing.

几乎所有有价值的工艺品都集中在哪儿。Almost all of the valuable handicraft articles are there.

传统的手工艺技术不断革新。Traditional handicraft techniques are being steadily improved.

“双林绫绢”是我国传统的丝织工艺品,历史悠久。As a Chinese traditional and time-honoured silk-woven handicraft.

民间老艺人们正在展示错银手艺。Folk artisans are showing the handicraft of inlaying with silver.

在我访问红色中国的时候,苏区工业都是手工业。Soviet industries, when I visited Red China , were all handicraft.

本实用新型可用作高档的工艺画。The utility model can be applied as high grade handicraft picture.

用滴胶做押花工艺品最是好看。Using a glue to do detain to spend handicraft is good-looking most.

四川逍遥居竹艺坊创建于1986年。Happy Home Bamboo handicraft Factory was founded in 1986 in Qionglai.

许多手工艺技术传男不传女。Many handicraft skills are only passed to male descents of the family.

这件衣服的料子质地分外好,唱工精致。It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite.

而手工艺博物馆展出了芬兰的所有手工艺。The Craft Museum of Finland is a handicraft museum covering entire Finland.

小芳编织是一家以传统手工艺编织为主的公司。Xiaofang weaving is a traditional handicraft weaving mainly to the company.

张树编织是一家以传统织为主的公司。Zhangshu weaving is a traditional handicraft weaving mainly to the company.