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无论这个事情发生还是不发生,这种权利的移交都不可能太顺利。Buta handover of power—whenever that happens—may not be smooth.

哈瓦斯先生盛赞这次移交是“伟大的、高尚的行为”。Mr Hawass praised the handover as "a great, civilised gesture".

政治交接是参政党组织建设的灵魂。Political handover is the soul of participating parties' organization.

交接仪式结束后,中韩双方现场向媒体发布消息。Thee two sides announced to the media when the handover ceremony ended.

该方法提供了一种类似于硬越区切换的快速软越区切换。This method provides a fast soft handover similar to the hard handover.

从来没有比这次可怜的交接仪式更雷到我的了。It was not so much the pathetic handover performance that upset me, but.

这样,可以容易地缩短越区切换处理时间。This makes it feasible to readily decrease the handover transaction time.

我们,全家人坐在电视机前观看香港政权交接仪式。All my family sat in front of TV to watch the Hong Kong handover ceremony.

本文首先建立了切换模型,并给出最常用的UMTS切换算法。This paper forms a handover model and the applied UMTS handover algorithms.

从来没有比这次可怜的交接仪式更雷到我的了。It was not so much the pathetic handover performance that upset me, but the.

澳门的居民认为这次移交仅仅是一个管理上的变化。Maucau inhabitants regarded the handover as a mere change of administration.

英国首相布朗希望能在2010年开始进行部分移交。The British prime minister would like some of the handover to begin in 2010.

切换是指移动用户在通话过程中变换服务信道的过程。The handover means the channel coversion procedure in users" communication."

奥运圣火交接仪式的准备工作已经安全就绪。Preparations for the Olympic Torch Handover Ceremony are completely in place.

英国国旗被用于推动2008年的交接仪式。Britain's national Union Flag was used to promote the handover ceremony in 2008.

做好交接班工作,将每台机的配料情况向接班人员交接清楚。Do shift work, each machines of ingredients to carry personnel handover clearly.

重阳在民众生活中成为夏冬交接的时间界标。In the Chung Yeung public life into summer and winter time of the handover landmark.

更重要的是,接交释放了大陆上的人们长久压抑的赌博需求。More importantly, the handover unleashed the mainland's pent-up demand for gambling.

这标志首个中国内阁官员支持权利交接。That would mark the first statement by a cabinet-ranked official backing the handover.

最后对“九七”香港回归后政党政治的发展进行了描述和分析。Finally, the paper describes and analyzes party politics after the handover of Hong Kong.