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我想,我要去视频群聊一会。I think I’m going to go Hangout for a while.

我跟几个朋友去个地方聚一聚。I was down at the local hangout with some friends.

我的那个音乐酒吧近来成了受欢迎的去处。My music bar has recently turned out a popular hangout.

完美的人和军乐队的朋友聚会。Perfect people hangout with their marching band friends.

在宅邸外,它是这个世界上最好去处。Next to the mansion, it's the best hangout on the planet.

它就在隔壁,它是这个星球上最好的据点。And next to the mansion, it's the best hangout on the planet.

成功者和比他们更成功的人交往。Winners hangout with winners who are more successful than they are.

我的占星术说我会得到一个蓝铃花,同时还说消防站现在对我来说是一个辉煌的住所。It also said that a Fire Station is a great hangout for me right now.

这里曾经是海盗的巢穴,到今天仍然吸引着人们来这里寻宝。It also used to be a pirate hangout and still draws treasure seekers.

那就给心仪的对象发一条消息约她出来。Just shoot the object of your affection a message suggesting a hangout.

在六七十年代,对许多年轻人来说,这儿就是他们经常光顾的地方。It was just a big hangout in the 60s and the 70s for a lot of young people.

木栅,尤其是猫空,是台北夜猫族的好去处。Mucha, particularly Maokung, is a popular hangout for Taipei's "night cats."

这片沙地也是黄貂鱼喜爱之地,偶尔海龟也会来此一游。The sandy patch is a favorite hangout for stingrays and sometimes, a turtle.

和他们一起聊聊,处处,听他们说话,看看他们相互之间是怎么交谈的。Hangout with them. Listen to the things they say, how they talk to each other.

当地政客经常聚集的地方是位于市镇北部71号公路上的比莉.施奈德牛排店。The local political hangout was Billie Schneider’s Steakhouse on Highway 71, north of town.

长春少有的配有舞台的夜店,如果您是一位夜店迷,金樽酒吧无疑是一个好去处。One of the few Changchun Night Clubs with a dance floor. A favorite midnight hangout for local expats.

把照片在您最喜爱的聚会点,他们住在哪里,或者你想与他们的旅行。Place the photos at your favorite hangout spots, where they live, or where you want to travel with them.

学校对面的公园变成学生们在午饭时段经常去的聚集点。The park across the street from school has becomes a popular hangout for the students during lunch time.

那是个多云的星期三的晚上,在芝加哥,他们常去的消遣之地俨然已成为一个被工具所统治的墓地。It was a cloudy Wednesday night in Chicago and their regular hangout had turned into a graveyard of stools.

2003年8月MySpace成立,并很快成为本地乐队,尤其是独立摇滚乐手的常去之处。MySpace was launched in August 2003 and soon became a popular hangout for local bands, especially indie rockers.