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我就是中邪了。I' m just haunted.

那叫声一直缠绕着我。That cry haunted me.

猴群与鹿群流连忘返。Haunted by monkeys and by deer.

他外表有点学究气,相当害羞。He had a haunted look about him.

她沉浸在幸福的回忆中。She is haunted in happy memories.

摩加迪沙战役一直萦绕在我的心头。The battle of Mogadishu haunted me.

那六副银器使他烦懑。Those six sets of silver haunted him.

一个饱受疯癫折磨人如何才能喜悦?How can one haunted by madness be joyful?

这就是本店头号凶房,威尔逊先生。And here’s our most haunted room, Mr. Wilson.

他是个越战老兵,举止总有些惶然。He was a Vietnam veteran with a haunted mien.

我仍然没有摆脱它而且差不多被其所困。I still haven’t and I’m almost haunted by it.

按理说,他应该感到内疚,直到他死去的那一天。It must have haunted him until his dying day.

让她日日夜夜,魂牵梦绕。Which haunted, and haunted her day and night.

爱人哪但愿我的迷梦从未纠缠你。Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you.

而这正是捉鬼队正在做的事。Well That's Just What The Most Haunted Team Do.

你还记得鬼域的玫瑰园吗?。Do You Remember The Rosegarden Of Haunted Realm?

猪排博士正在袭击闹鬼的面包店!Doctor Porkchop is attacking the haunted bakery!

轰鸣的瀑布声萦绕于耳,如同滂湃的激情。The sounding cataract haunted me like a passion.

那一天我内心的矛盾到现在仍然困扰着我。I am still haunted by my inner conflict that day.

这是我的故地,它仍然困扰我。This was my old haunt, and it's haunted me still.