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他们正朝家走去。They are heading home.

小麦正处于抽穗期。The wheat is heading out.

现在它向西去了。It's heading westbound now.

已转舵向新目标。Rudder set for new heading.

这是一艘钓鱼船。Where is the ship heading to?

这个社会是在奔往何处?Where the society is heading?

你走错路了!You're heading the wrong way.

我们的船是开往古巴的。Our ship was heading for Cuba.

我算不算大张旗鼓地回来了?Am I heading back in a big way?

报告航向和飞行高度层。Report heading and flight level.

那只狗正朝门口走去。The dog is heading for the door!

他们几乎是朝著正东方向进发。They were heading almost due east.

左转航向090雷达爬高。Turn left heading 090 radar climb.

你都可以看到方向朝哪儿。You can see where this is heading.

沙滩上正准备出发的冲浪者。Surfers on main beach, heading out.

卷心菜菜头长得很好。The cabbages are heading up nicely.

每个章节的标记与标题独为一行。Above a major heading , and one line.

我们似乎在走向另一个泡沫。We may be heading into another bubble.

“航行者”号正驶向一个大洋风暴。Voyager was heading for an ocean storm.

哇靠,都3点了,我得直接回家了!Wow, it's 3 o'clock. I am heading home!