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我头朝下跳入海中。I dived headlong into the sea.

他扑通一声跳进河里。He leapt headlong into the river.

她倒栽葱掉进了冰冷的水池中。She fell headlong into the icy pool.

飞流直下三千尺。Plunging headlong three thousand feet.

他脸朝下一头栽到地上。He fell headlong and landed on his face.

马吕斯朝那方向追往。Marius rushed headlong in that direction.

标题为“匆促答辩状的摘要”。The heading is"Headline of Headlong Pleadings".

标题为“仓促答辩状的择要”。the heading is "headline of headlong pleadings".

她感到她似乎突然头朝下掉进坑里。She felt as if she were falling headlong into a pit.

那小男孩头朝下跌下楼梯。The little boy fell headlong down the flight of stairs.

马儿惊慌失措,弓起背把莉莎特摔了下来,回头奔向森林。He bucked Lizette off and ran headlong back into the forest.

乔治从车斗里跳出来,倒栽葱地摔倒在雪地里。George jumped from the basket and fell headlong into the snow.

孩子俯身凑向妈妈,头朝前面倒在妈妈的面前。The child leaned towards his mother and fell headlong in front of her.

她们已经一往无前地碰上了男性中心、异性恋性模式。They had run headlong into the male-centered, heterosexual model of sexuality.

徒劳的感叹,渺茫的幻想,碾碎成了小刺扎进了心房。Vain laments, slim fantasy, crushed into small thorn headlong into the atrium.

那你们说说阿拉斯加有可能的倒栽葱的放下纽约动物园的中它下面吗?That you say, the Alaska might she fell headlong down below it in New York zoo?

马儿惊慌失措,弓起背把莉莎特摔了下来,回头奔向森林。The horse panicked. He bucked Lizette off and ran headlong back into the forest.

所有迹象表明,我们的星球仍在迅速地奔向气候大灾难。All signs suggest that the planet is still hurtling headlong toward climatic disaster.

他们也不曾猛冲入海鸥群中,看着它们振翅四散。They've never sprinted headlong into a flock of seagulls to watch them flap and scatter.

我小心翼翼地开始倒转行驶方向,我这样小心是因为我上次摔的倒栽葱还历历在目。Very cautiously, for I remembered my former headlong fall, I began to reverse my motion.