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独立性与协同性是国家起源的根据。Independence and cooperation are base of a states headspring.

这四层境界在今天仍是设计师创造力的源泉。Nowadays, these four ambits are still one kind of creative headspring of designers.

一位年轻的功夫表演者正在少林寺的训练大厅里练习头手翻。A young kung fu performer practices a headspring in the Shaolin Temple's training hall.

可见,结构形态为建筑形象的创新提供了丰富的源泉。Thus, the structural configuration offers luxuriant headspring to architecture creation.

独立性、中立性和公正性是信用服务公司的立身之本,也是创造客户的源泉。The independent, neutral and justness is the root of the credit service company existing , is also a headspring to win customer.

大自然是人类创新的不竭源泉,国际上仿生学研究如火如荼。The nature is a eternal innovative headspring for human, the research on bionics is a very hot question for discussion in international.

“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个党永葆生机的源泉”。Innovation is the soul of a nation, the unexhausted power of the development of a nation and the headspring of the vital force of a party.

它的“场所理论”和“知觉理论”是许多建筑师实践的理论源泉,其中最为著名的便是斯蒂文·霍尔。Its "place theory" and "perception theory" are the theory headspring of many architects' practice, among who the most famous architect is Steven holl.

城市主导产业是区域经济发展的主要源泉,是区域产业现亻弋化的航标。The predominant industry of city is the main headspring of economic development in district, is the sail mark of the industry modernization of the district.

同时,他对现代性的反思又是围绕解放政治这一核心思想展开的,解放政治是现代性发展的基点和动力源泉。Meanwhile, his reflection on modernity is based on the core concept of emancipatory politics, which is the foundation and dynamical headspring of emancipatory politics.

新技术、新产品、新思想层出不穷,人的智慧与人的创造性激发是经济社会发展的不竭动力源泉。New technology, new products and new ideas emerge constantly. Intelligence and creation of human being are the unexhausted headspring of society and economy development.

当今时代,知识已成为创造财富的主要源泉,通过合作实现知识的共创与共享已成为当今组织走向成功的关键。In nowadays, knowledge is the main headspring of the wealth creation. The co-creation and share of knowledge by cooperation is the key of the organization in the success of innovation.

只有坚持改革开放,才能保证党和国家发展进步的活力源泉,实现中华民族强国富民的伟大复兴。Only carry on the reform and open, then can ensure the vital headspring of the party and state's development progression, and can realize the great renaissance of the China to strongly grow.

中小企业活力的源泉在于它们之间按专业分工的原则形成了既竞争又合作的特殊组织——企业集群。The headspring of small enterprises' vigor lied in enterprise clusters, which was the special organization formed by the principle of competition and cooperation based on professional dividing.

切实加强高收入者的重点管理、税源的源泉管理、全员全额管理。We shall earnestly strengthen key focused administration of high- income earners, administration on the headspring of tax sources, and the administration of all the taxpayers and in full amount.