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济慈只希望一个无名的墓碑。Keats wanted an anonymous headstone.

我们得找到这块被圣殿骑士赞扬过的基石。We must find this headstone praised by Templars.

那块基石,那块被圣殿骑士歌颂过的基石究竟在哪里呢?Where the devil is this headstone?This headstone praised by Templars.

我们顶着北风肃立在墓碑旁,但那是一种无以名状的令人欣慰的寂静。As we stood by the headstone in the chilly but somehow comforting silence.

目前已有超过600名参赛者寄出参赛作品——将刻在自己墓碑上的墓志铭。More than 600 contestants have already sent in their own epitaph for their headstone.

他在遗言中要求将他的遗体火化并在他的房子附近塑一个小小的墓碑。The note asks that his body be cremated and for a small headstone to be left near his house.

如果你去墓园,你可以在他的墓碑上读到只有那个字,以及他的死期。If you enter the kirkyard, you'll read on his headstone , only that, and the date of his death.

你大可在墓穴里安装一台倒置潜望镜,变态的过路人可以饥渴地窥视你。You could install a reverse periscope in your headstone so morbid voyeurs could come and ogle you.

他凝视着墓碑石,过了一会,举起了铲子向地上的泥土猛地铲下。He stares down at the headstone for a moment, then hoists the shovel up and smashes it into the earth.

墓碑旁边立着一块小石头,呈心形,有轻度裂痕,被我做艺术家的女儿漆过。Alongside the headstone rested a small, heart-shaped rock, slightly cracked, painted by our artist daughter.

玛利亚在1781年过世,但一直要到1791年比谷神父才在她的坟墓上立一块碑。Marie died in 1781, but it wasn’t until 1791 that Abbè Bigou erected a headstone and marker over her remains.

他们是非常接近的墓地,其中一人建议他们做他们的业务墓石或背后的东西。They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something.

在德国阿沙芬堡,600多名参赛者寄出了参赛作品—他们自己的墓志铭,希望赢取Galaxy电台的奖品。More than 600 contestants have sent in their own headstone epitaph for the Radio Galaxy competition in Aschaffenburg.

但比斯顿先生万万没有想到,他家猫咪的漂亮墓碑竟然是一件千年古董。Mr Beeston, a stonemason who found the slab in a quarry years ago, thought it would make a nice headstone and nothing more.

一份电视报道说,她还把手机号刻在墓碑上,这样别的人也能给他打电话。She also had his cell phone number carved onto his headstone so others can call him, too, according to one television report.

援越抗法战争是新中国认识现代化战争、成为世界大国的第一块基石。The Aid Vietnam Resist France War in 1950' s is a headstone to learn the modernize war and to be a powerful country in world.

每当夜幕降临,特蕾莎就会去孩子的墓地坐着,用头不停地撞击斯嘉丽的墓碑直到血流满面。Theresa would go to the cemetery and sit, banging her head against Scarlett's headstone until her face was covered with blood.

暗红色的大理石墓石一侧摆放着青铜铸造的钢盔与战旗,象征着军人的荣誉与永生。Dark red marble headstone placed on one side of the helmet and bronze casting Battle Flag, a symbol of military honor and eternal life.

在位于爱尔兰西南海岸的大斯凯利格岛上,一块千年墓碑耸立在古教堂的遗址旁。A thousand-year-old headstone stands next to the ruins of an ancient church on Great Skellig Island, off the southwest coast of Ireland.

虽然曼梯·里的遗骸并不在这个墓地里,但他也可说是叶落归根并和这块朴素的花岗岩墓碑以及现在我交还给他家的这枚戒指安眠在一起了。Even if ML's bones were not at Old Beaverdam, he was in his place with the simple granite headstone and now the ring I had returned to his family.