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他黑黝黝的皮肤是健康的标志。His dusky skin is a sign of healthiness.

按照苏维埃的理念,食堂的核心是保证健康。According to Soviet concept healthiness was the key point of catering.

这些照片依照吸引力、女性化与健康分等级。The pictures were rated for attractiveness, feminity , and healthiness.

稳定的社会秩序是一个社会健全程度的标志。A social order of stability symbolizes healthiness degree of any society.

将某策略应用于这一测量来确定健康级别。A policy is applied to this measurement to determine the level of healthiness.

控制风险与内部控制的健全性和有效性有关。Control risk has to do with the healthiness and effectiveness of internal control.

心脑血管疾病是危害人类健康的常见疾病。The heart disease and stroke are the frequently disease harming the mankind healthiness.

此外,酒店亦密切留意员工的健康状况,以确保他们适合上班工作。Moreover, Hotel will closely monitor the healthiness of staff and ensure they are fit for work.

医患沟通的目的是为了促进病人的健康和幸福。The aim of communicate between doctors and patients is for healthiness and blessedness of patients.

使矿产资源开发和矿区发展走可持续发展的健康之路。It can make mine resource exploiture and diggings development make for persistence development healthiness road.

用后立感清新舒爽,使肌肤更加水润柔滑,呈现健康光泽。With instant refreshing effects, it can make the skin moister and more silkily smooth and shine with healthiness.

心房颤动是最常见的持续性心律失常之一,危害着人们的生命健康。Atria fibrillation is one of durative arrhythmia of the most familiar, it is harmful to healthiness of the people.

房间里的其他每个人都面色苍白,使得玛德琳天生的健康看上去有些可疑,似乎她是那种会投里根一票的人。Everyone in the room was so spectral-looking that Madeleine’s natural healthiness seemed suspect, like a vote for Reagan.

耶稣再次强调上帝重视的是人健康、圣洁、和休息、更新的需要。So He focuses in again on God's commitment to the healthiness , or holiness, of man and his need for rest and recreation.

初步探讨了海岸带生态系统健康评价方法。With the above approach, methodologies for assessing the healthiness of coastal zone ecosystem are studies in this thesis.

它有其自成体系的生态审美原则和具有“活力”“共生”“健康”等方面的特征。It is possessed of not only ecological aesthetic principles but also the characteristics of "livingness, intergrowth, healthiness".

在雅特面包果子工房,所有产品不含防腐剂及人造材质,以保证新鲜度和健康性。At RT Pastry House, every single bakery is baked from scratch daily without preservatives & artificial to guarantee freshness & healthiness.

司的克诺尔联合利华推出了系列的无菌包装图形汤类加强其健全的彩色蔬菜。The Knorr division of Unilever is offering a line of aseptic soups whose packaging graphics reinforce the healthiness of colorful vegetables.

目的进一步了解中年在职干部身体情况,积极预防亚健康,提高干部身体素质。Objective To know healthiness status about midlife in-service cadre forward and prevent from sub-health actively and enhance physical diathesis.

作为一种新型的健康、环保纺织材料,和纸纱及其制品具有广阔的发展前景。As a new kind of textile material and thanks to its healthiness and environmental protection, the paper yarn and its production will have a good future.