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心痛和头痛。Heartache and Headache.

很快这种心伤将!!!Such heartache would soon! ! !

爱到深处是心痛。Love to the depths of a heartache.

以别人的快乐,医治自己的悲伤。The joy of others cure his own heartache.

艺术就像爱情,源于怦然心动。All art, like all love, is rooted in heartache.

心痛到不能呼吸,全世界都爱你。Heartache can not breathe, the world loves you.

再多的眼泪也抵不过一句对不起来的心痛。No more tears over but also a sorry to heartache.

世镇因而陷入了心痛的回忆里。Shizhen thus it fell into the heartache memories.

每次她晚归,他都很伤心。Every time she came home late, she caused him heartache.

当我试图从他身上找力量的时候,我只看到了心痛。When I look to him for strength, all I see is heartache.

赵主任果然是拿了公家的钱不心疼。Zhaozhuren really is not taken public money and heartache.

不知不觉你让我心动,后知后觉你让我心痛。Imperceptibly you let my heart, after you let me heartache.

谢谢你曾经让我心动,如今只剩下心痛。Thank you once let me echocardiography, now only heartache.

不仅没有获得荣耀,相反的,除了心痛,他们一无所得。Far from gaining glory, they have gained nothing but heartache.

看着老余死在自己面前,简怡心痛不已。Looking at more than the old before his death, JianYi heartache.

但现在你都好久没用,都生飞尘了吧,也许都让你头疼了。But now it's gathering dust, and maybe even causing you heartache.

说到密石,总让人有一种怜惜而心痛的感觉。Speaking of stone, the people have a sense of Lianxi and heartache.

而属于那个让我心痛的人,他现在在何方?And let me heartache is that the people, he is now in which direction?

冠心病心绞痛属中医学“胸痹”、“心痛”范畴。Angina pectoris belongs to the"chest pain"or"heartache"category in TCM.

赵来给大家开会的时候,苏敢闷闷不乐的,她说自己的心痛。Zhao to give you a meeting, Sue dare moodiness, she said her heartache.