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热烈的欢迎准备好了,以待你来。A hearty welcome awaits you.

我们给他以热诚的欢迎。We accorded him a hearty welcome.

今日。这是聚会,我亲爱的。Arr. This IS the party, me hearty.

由衷的批评对我常有好处。A hearty slating always does me good.

老人的身体还挺硬棒。The old man is still hale and hearty.

“我们十二万分地感谢你,”她说。You have our hearty thanks, "she said."

他洗了一把脸,然后饱餐一顿。He washed himself, and ate a hearty meal.

兰德·保罗带着爽朗的欢呼声走上了讲台。Rand Paul took the stage to hearty cheers.

我是“哈尔及哈迪食品公司”的哈维贾德。It’s Harvey Judd from Hale and Hearty here.

劳笠爆发出一阵男孩子式的痛快淋漓的大笑。Laurie burst out with a hearty boy's laugh.

书院谨向黄教授致以衷心祝贺!Our hearty congratulations to Professor Wong!

我想给李阳先生提一些真诚的建议。I would like to offer some hearty advice to Mr.

现年77岁的郭佩珍,精神矍铄。Kwok Pui Chun, now 77 years old, hale and hearty.

那个硬朗矍铄的人就给归入老人的行列了。The hale and hearty man is counted among the old.

你还想要超越什么?煮出美味的番茄汤我会很高兴吗?Would I be happy dishing out a hearty potato soup?

所有菜肴都是十分好吃,既令人开心又令人回味。All the dishes were hearty and tantalizingly tasty.

她美餐了一顿,大饱了口福。She has HAD a hearty meal to refresh the inner woman.

豆腐乳酪配水果,鸡蛋,奶酪鱼子酱,面包。Curd-cheese with fruit, egg, caviar, and hearty bread.

木瓜奶昔配黑加仑力娇酒是饱餐后的完美点缀。Papaya cream is a nice final touch for any hearty meal.

他们去看张先生,张先生热诚地欢迎他们。They went to Mr. Chang, who gave them a hearty welcome.