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憨熊中暑了。Han Bear gets heatstroke.

吐血,鼻子流血是中暑吗?Haematemesis , is nose bleeds heatstroke?

夏季中暑感冒用什么药好呢?With what medicine is summertime heatstroke cold good?

有时候,发生中暑时,患者会停止出汗。Sometimes a person stops sweating when heatstroke hits.

别提了,我都中暑好几次了。Don't mention it, I have had heatstroke for several times.

冷却能力不足会造成中暑脱水。Not enough cooling power could mean heatstroke or dehydration.

目的探讨热射病休克的抢救方法。Objective To investigate the rescue method of shock in heatstroke.

目的总结分析治疗中暑的临床经验。Objective To analyze clinical experience in treatment of heatstroke.

如果火不旺,你可能因为休克、失血或中暑而死亡。If the fire was small, you could die of shock, blood loss, or heatstroke.

为什么我老是会肚子疼,还经常头晕,是中暑了吗?Why I often am met collywobbles , still often giddy, be to suffer heatstroke?

在沙漠中的最大杀手是中暑和脱水,这瞬间就会发生。The biggest killers in the desert are heatstroke and dehydration, which come on very quickly.

据报道已有132人因此丧生,3万多人因中暑入院治疗。leading to a reported 132 deaths and more than 30, 000 people taken to hospital with heatstroke.

经过后埭西路,有人疑似中暑,被同伴扶出队伍。Just past Houdai Rd. someone seems to have heatstroke and is being propped up by fellow paraders.

作为一个骑手,你将暴露于自然的恶劣天气中,还有你可能会脱水和中暑,这些都很危险。As a rider you'll be outside, exposed to the elements, dehydration and heatstroke are very real dangers.

开始有先兆中暑症状,以后出现头痛、不安、嗜睡、甚至昏迷。Symptoms of premonitory heatstroke appear first then come the headache dysphoria drowsiness and even coma.

及时给工人发放防暑降温的急救药品和劳动保护用品。Duly distribute the first aid medicines for heatstroke prevention and labor protection articles to workers.

医生们说,中暑的发生,有时候很少有征兆,甚至可能在你剧烈运动半小时后就会发生。Heatstroke can strike with scant warning, even after as little as a half hour if you are exercising hard, doctors say.

重症中暑可造成器官损伤,可能需要持续的照顾,如需要特殊饮食按你的兽医。Severe heatstroke can cause organ damage that might need ongoing care such as a special diet prescribed by your veterinarian.

目的建立热射病合并内毒素血症大鼠的动物模型,为进一步探讨重度热射病的发病机制奠定基础。Objective To establish a rat model of heatstroke complicated by endotoxemia for studying the pathogenesis of severe heatstroke.

利用电动机带动风叶旋转,以加强空气流动,达到防暑降温、调节室内空气目的的电气器具。A motor of a fan drives its rotating blades to enhance the flows of a room for regulating the air and prevent the people's heatstroke.