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什么是黑格尔的理性的狡计?What is the guile of Hegelian reason?

是烂熟的黑格尔的艺术终结?Is the familiar art of Hegelian ended?

这就是黑格尔的在历史中重复的理论。That's the Hegelian theory of repetition in history.

黑格尔哲学显然是一种现代性的哲学话语。Obviously Hegelian Philisophy is a kind of modem philosophy.

黑格尔哲学显然是一种现代性的哲学话语。Obviously Hegelian Philisophy is a kind of modern philosophy.

以上是黑格尔整部逻辑学的简要的结构。What is discussed above is about the main frame of Hegelian logic.

在黑格尔的措辞中,国家则是完美正义的实现方式。In Hegelian phraseology the State is the reality of which justice is the ideal.

把黑格尔的初级唯心辩证法改造为高级唯物辩证法。The Hegelian dialectics of the initial idealism for senior materialist dialectics.

理解黑格尔悲剧理论必须结合他的哲学思想。Comprehending Hegelian theory of tragedy must join together his philosophy thought.

思辨是黑格尔哲学的方法,是“对反思的反思”。Speculation is the method of Hegelian philosophy, which is to "reflect the reflecting".

或许我们能抱有的最好的希望就是从对立主义到黑格尔学说迅速的转变。Perhaps the best that can be hoped for is a rapid shift from antithesis to Hegelian synthesis.

正是出于与前述政党同样的原因,黑格尔意义上的辩证逻辑在今天已经饱和了。For the same reason as for the party, dialectical logic in the Hegelian sense is saturated today.

而在某种意义上,黑格尔哲学既标志着形而上学的完成,也象征着形而上学的终结。In a sense, Hegelian Philosophy symbolizes not only the completion of metaphysics, but also its end.

推销员,“好人缘”哲学,黑格尔性格论,人生美学,悲剧。Salesman, Philosophy of Being "Well-liked", Hegelian Characterology , the Aesthetics of Life, Tragedy.

卡丽说,“哎,我感到我真没有答对有关黑格尔辩证法的要点。”" And Carrie says, "Boy, I feel like I didn't really draw out the main point on the Hegelian dialectic.

在这一根本点上,体现了马克思所说的“我的辩证法”和“黑格尔的辩证方法”“截然相反”的原则立场。This essential point shows Marx's standpoint that my dialectics is directly opposite to Hegelian dialectics.

费尔巴哈1839年起实际脱离黑格尔哲学并对马克思有一定的早期影响。From 1839 on, Feuerbach virtually deviated from Hegelian philosophy and exerted certain early influence on Marx.

SOA已经经历了黑格尔说的扬弃,并且现在可以只作为整体的一部分来促进新的创新。SOA has gone through its Hegelian sublation, and can just be part of the landscape now that enables new initiatives.

它仅仅是一些革命性的宣传,或仅仅是玩弄劝诱性的定义,或一些黑格尔的谬论?Is it just a bit of revolutionary propaganda, or mere playing with persuasive definitions, or a bit of Hegelian mysticism?

对黑格尔唯心主义和费尔巴哈直观唯物主义的批判与超越,是马克思建立新唯物主义哲学的理论起点。The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx.