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教堂在海德堡是最常见的。Churchs are ubiquitous in Heidelberg.

海德堡某教堂的钟塔。One of a church clock tower in Heidelberg.

另一个雕塑,座落在海德堡有名的城堡下方。Another statue, right at the bottom of the famous Heidelberg Schloss.

海德堡要理问答的答案,著重在于你所行的或是你所信的?Does the Heidelberg Catechism's answer focus on what you do or what you believe?

洗了把脸,穿着完毕,就出门去看看海德尔堡的怡人秋日。I splash water on my face, get dressed, and step out into the mild autumn Heidelberg day.

教堂在海德堡是最常见的。这是我住处附近的教堂和小古堡。Churchs are ubiquitous in Heidelberg. This church and small old castle is nearby my house.

海大是德国第一所大学,历史悠久,校园中的老雕像也特别多。On the campus of Heidelberg University, with its long history, you'll find many old statues.

海德堡建于1389年,不但是德国最早的,在欧洲也堪称老字号。Heidelberg was built in 1389, not only the oldest in Germany, also called long-established in Europe.

经过十多年的丝网印刷,于5年前引进最先进的海德堡胶印机。After ten years of screen printing, at 5 years ago to introduce the most advanced Heidelberg offset press.

公司拥有多台最先进的德国罗兰、海德堡等印刷数码设备。The company has more than the most advanced German Roland , Heidelberg and other printing digital devices.

该项研究是由海德堡大学卓越计划的前沿项目出资赞助的。The study was funded by the FRONTIER program of the excellence initiative at the University of Heidelberg.

而海德堡大学图书馆专家阿迈恩•施勒希特的这一发现解开了所有谜团。But the finding by Heidelberg library expert Armin Schlechter settles the matter, according to the university.

海德堡人身材高大,肌肉发达,有较大的脑容量,他们通常能长到6英尺或更高。"Heidelberg Man" was muscular and tall, had a relatively large brain, and usually grew to heights of 6 feet or more.

我们选择了刷字体的排版方面,一切都印在我们的内部海德堡凸印机。In regard to typography we chose a brush font, everything was printed on our in-house Heidelberg letterpress machine.

在为期两个星期的德国交流中,我们游历了诸如杜塞尔多夫、柏林、慕尼黑、海德堡等城市。During the two weeks in Germany, we traveled to several cities such as Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich, Heidelberg and so on.

本公司现有多台全新爱克发出片机、海德堡全自动烫金机出售,价格从优,面议。The company has more than one machine to the new Agfa, Heidelberg automatic bronzing machine sold, prices Congyou, Negotiable.

我经常去海德堡城堡看珍藏品展览,某一天城堡管理员着实惊艳与我的德语。I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German.

虽然我们增加了新的海德堡设备,我们的博达网站,我们认为,这是有道理的,与小森留东北。Whilst we have added new Heidelberg equipment to our Bardon site, we felt that it made sense to stay with Komori for the North East.

科学家们在马克斯·普朗克医学研究海德堡已经着手调查可能巩固记忆。Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg have been investigating how memories might be consolidated.

但是位于海德堡的德国癌症研究中心的安德里亚•阿尔提耶里与同事们经过研究得出的结论。But that is the conclusion of a study conducted by Andrea Altieri and his colleagues at the German Cancer Research Centre, in Heidelberg.