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1993年黑龙江齐齐哈尔。Heilongjiang Qiqihar.

但田川却选择了黑龙江省哈尔滨市的一所大学。But Tian has chosen one in Harbin, Heilongjiang.

黑龙江密炼机的最新信息!Heilongjiang mixer machine's latest information!

黑龙江省成为首个对“早恋”问题进行立法的省。Heilongjiang is the first province to so legislate.

黑龙江省双城市的其他农民Other farmers in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang province

黑龙江鹤岗煤矿爆炸,死亡人数上升至87人。Heilongjiang coal mine blast death toll jumps to 87.

黑龙江省处于缺硒地区。There is less Se in the soil of Heilongjiang province.

目前,前往黑龙江的机票或火车票都很紧俏。Air or train tickets to Heilongjiang are in huge demand.

我的名字叫于涛,今年23岁,是黑龙江人。I am 23 years old, and I come from Heilongjiang province.

绥化地区位于黑龙江省中部。The district of Suihua lies middle of Heilongjiang province.

李长江1963年生于黑龙江省鹤岗市。Li Changjiang, born in 1963, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province.

小麦是黑龙江省主要粮食作物之一。Spring wheat is one of the major crops in Heilongjiang province.

扎龙是位于我国东北地区的一个自然保护区。Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in North-east China.

扎龙是中国东北部黑龙江的一个自然保护区。Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China.

1984年8月黑龙江发生了历史大洪水和特大洪水。Heilongjiang river had teken place a heavy flood in August, 1984.

庚子之乱后,黑龙江地区更加残破不堪。After Boxer Russian chaos, Heilongjiang area was more Dilapidated.

嘉荫恐龙属于中国,它已经走出龙江。Jiayin dinosaurs belong to China, they have gone out of Heilongjiang.

提出“庭院经济”这个概念。在黑龙江省已有15年的历史上了。In Heilongjiang the province already had history of 15 years to go up.

王立新,黑龙江省双城市的农民,45岁Wang Lixin, a 45-year-old farmer in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang province

我省的种植的大豆全部为非转基因大豆,其中还有部分有机大豆。All of the soybeans planted in Heilongjiang province were non-GMO bean.