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可口可乐是种很大的药物!Coke is a helluva drug!

伴随著轰隆的吼声!Off with one helluva roar!

这个医生肯定拍摄了一个非常棒的自拍照!Surgeon must have been taking one helluva selfie !

这些可以制成一些漂亮的壁纸为你的房子。It's a helluva start, it could be made into a monster.

在星期六的夜晚进行的比赛,将是一场伟大的比赛。Saturday night's fight is going to be a helluva fight.

这都比眼球中有眼泪要好太多。It's a helluva lot better than having tears on your eyeball.

这对一场回归赛来说是一场极好的垫场赛,如果你理解我的意思的话。This is a helluva card for a comeback fight, if you know what I mean.

要鼻子灵敏,脑袋长出天线。还要喝很多咖啡才行。A nose like a Blue Tick, a medulla with an antenna and a helluva lot of coffee.

但是他们从内心根本不愿意错误这个狂欢大聚会哪怕一分钟。But they nevertheless hate to miss a single minute of what is one helluva party.

我现在回头看,并认为,男,这是一个极度,极度运行,我们。Now I look back on it and think, Man, that was a helluva , helluva run that we had.

当然谁领有大棒子是很重要,但是谁来挥舞是更重要的。Sure it matters who's got the biggest stick, but it matters a helluva lot more who's swinging it.

除了全然独立创造了奇幻文学类型和影响了几代作家之外,托肯恩的传说讲述了一个宏大的故事。Besides reinventing the entire fantasy genre and influencing generations of writers, Tolkien's tale tells one helluva story.

俄罗斯人先胜了第一局30-28。第一局很极端化。俄罗斯的大炸弹和中国神奇的防守!Russia takes first set, 30-28. This is one helluva match so far. Big bombing from Russia and dazzling defense from the Chinese.

这一年里我学到了很多很多,现在我觉得不论在未来发生什么,在度过了这样的一个赛季之后,我都可以轻松应对。I've learned a helluva lot this year, and now whatever comes in the future, I think I can easily go through it after a season like this!

作为一个兢兢业业,小心营生的人,他的命运更加坎坷,比因为需要而工作的克劳维奇失去的还多。As a man who has worked hard and been careful to arrive where he is in life, he had a helluva lot more to lose than Brockovich who is acting out of necessity.

除了完全独立地创造了奇幻文学类型并影响了几代作家之外,托尔金的传说还讲述了一个宏大的故事。The granddaddy of all fantasy literature, of course, notches our top spot. Besides reinventing the entire fantaFLYINEe and influencing generations of writers, Tolkien's tale tells one helluva story.

除了全然独立创造了奇幻文学类型和影响了几代作家之外,托肯恩的传说讲述了一个宏大的故事。The granddaddy of all fantasy literature, of course, notches our top spot. Besides reinventing the entire fantasy genre and influencing generations of writers, Tolkien stale tells one helluva story.

除了全然独立创造了奇幻文学类型和影响了几代作家之外,托肯恩的传说讲述了一个宏大的故事。The granddaddy of all fantasy literature, of course, notches our top spot. Besides reinventing the entire fantasy genre and influencing generations of writers, Tolkien¥'s tale tells one helluva story.