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赫菲斯托斯和他的哥哥阿瑞斯都是赫拉的儿子。Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera.

赫菲斯托斯通常被认为是锻冶之神。Hephaestus was often remembered as the blacksmith of the gods.

众神与人类之父宙斯只好要求火神赫斐斯托斯打开他的头颅。Then the father of godsand men asked Hephaestus to open his head.

众神之父最后让赫菲斯托斯打开了他的头。Then the father of gods and men asked Hephaestus to open his head.

火神赫菲斯托斯是宙斯雷电的创造者。The god of fire, Hephaestus , was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus.

一天,他令儿子赫菲斯托斯用泥塑一美女像,并请众神赠予她不同的礼物。One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.

为了抑制这些邪恶,宙斯命令赫菲斯托斯锻造一支足以禁锢它们的强大容器。To contain these evils, zeus commissioned Hephaestus to build a vessel strong enough to hold them.

他又命令赫菲斯托斯用一种只有赫菲斯托斯知道的巧妙方法锁牢铁链。At the same time he ordered Hephaestus to lock the Titan's chains-in a cunning way thatHephaestus knew.

他又命令赫菲斯托斯用一种只有赫菲斯托斯知道的巧妙方法锁牢铁链。At the same time he ordered Hephaestus to lock the Titans chains-in a cunning way that only Hephaestus knew.

他又命令赫菲斯托斯用一种只有赫菲斯托斯知道的巧妙方法锁牢铁链。At the same time he ordered Hephaestus to lock the Titan's chains-in a cunning way that only Hephaestus knew.

西蒂斯看到自己再也不能继续阻止儿子完成宿命,只好请赫菲斯托斯打造了盔甲和盾牌保护她的儿子。Seeing that she could no longer prevent her son from realizing his destiny, Thetis then had Hephaestus make a shield and armor to protect her son.

波塞冬看到赤条条的阿佛洛狄忒大为倾倒,十分妒忌阿瑞斯,但他表面上不动声色,假惺惺地对赫菲斯托斯表示同情。Poseidon who, at sight of Aphrodite's naked body, had fallen in love with her, concealed his jealousy of Ares, and pretehded to sympathize with Hephaestus.

如果不了解什麽是自己的才华,赫菲斯特斯的能量会帮助提升自我才华,证明自己是可以发挥内心的潜力。If you don't know what your talents are, Hephaestus energy can help boost your talents so they become evident and you can work to develop their true potential.

赫菲斯托斯和他的哥哥阿瑞斯都是赫拉的儿子。赫菲斯托斯通常被认为是锻冶之神。他的象征是火和铁匠的锤子。Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera. Hephaestus was often remembered as the blacksmith of the gods. His symbol was fire and a blacksmith's hammer.

宙斯地妹妹和妻子,万神殿中地女主神,主司婚姻和妇女地安康,是战神阿瑞斯、火神赫菲斯托斯和青春女神赫柏地母亲。The sister and wife of Zeus the principal goddess of the Pantheon the pantroness primarily of marriage and the well-being of women the mother of Ares Hephaestus and Hebe.

一天,他令儿子赫菲斯托斯用泥塑一美女像,并请众神赠予她不同的礼物。One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay. He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.

潘多拉,希腊神话中火神赫淮斯托斯或宙斯用粘土做成的地上的第一个女人,作为对普罗米修斯盗火的惩罚送给人类的第一个女人。Pandora, in Greek mythology, was the first woman created by the Vulcan Hephaestus or Zeus with clay , and was given to human as a punishment to Prometheus' stealing of fire.