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你知道瓜尔迪是异端分子吗?Do you realise Guardi is a heretic?

裹尸布的耶稣遗像伪造者必定是个异教徒。The faker of the shroud had to be a heretic.

阿里乌斯希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism , a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.

但是罗马很多基督教徒,包括主教,和大量信徒都认为马吉安是异教徒。But a lot of Christians in Rome,the Bishop of Rome, a lot of other people,considered Marcion a heretic for this.

在他另一个焚烧高脚屋作品里,则感受到一种反叛几近异教徒仪式的行动艺术。In his other work, a burning house on stilts , I felt another kind of rebellic, almost heretic ritual-like action art.

在皈依佛教之前,阿修罗曾被认为是妨碍佛教布道的异教徒。Before it was incorporated into Buddhism, it was considered a heretic that stood in the way of Buddhist missionary work.

科学家认定,图坦卡蒙的父亲就是被称为“异教徒”的埃赫那顿法老。埃赫那顿将一神论引入了古埃及。Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the "heretic" king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father.

亚德六,愤怒茨温利的行为,然后不准他讲道,并要求安理会苏黎世拒绝他是一个邪教。Pope Adrian VI, angered by Zwingli's behavior, then forbade him the pulpit and asked the Zürich council to repudiate him as a heretic.

有趣的是,之前我们谈到马吉安,他是一个罗马异教徒,自己编撰新约中的正经名单?It is interesting that when we talked about Marcion early, remember the heretic in Rome who made his own first Canon list of New Testament books?

马吉安被正统基督教当作异教徒,在那个时候,存在着很多种基督教。Marcion,who came to be considered a heretic by orthodox Christians--remember that at this time, there's a lot of different kinds of Christianity.

现代人在寻找新的先知以逃离资本主义铁笼时发现了被基督教判为异端的灵知人马克安。When modern people want to find a spiritual prophet, Marcion the Gnosticist who has been proclaimed heretic by Christianity for nearly 2000 years, resurrected.

奥利金后来被视为异教徒,因为他提出的一些教义,例如,他认为连撒旦最后也会信教。Origen was later considered to be a heretic for some of the teachings that he came up with--for example he taught that even Satan could be converted in the end.

宗教对维护社会秩序有一定作用,把宗教单纯视为“人类精神的鸦片”或社会异端,是片面的。Since religion has some certain effects on maintaining social order, it is a bias to regard religion simply as "the opium of the human spirit", or some social heretic.

景教是产生于拜占庭帝国境内叙利亚地方的基督教异端,它在受到东正教会打击后向东传播,进入波斯、中亚并扩展到中国境内。Nestorianism , the heretic sect of the Christianity, having been persecuted in the Byzantine Empire, was spread into Persia and the Central Asia, and further into China.

图坦卡蒙父亲的身份一直是个谜,最有可能的便是这位异端法老阿赫那吞,他废除了国家的诸神,开始敬奉单神。The identity of King Tut's father has long been a mystery. One candidate is the heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten, who abandoned the gods of the state to worship a single deity.

里克山托兰,一次性宾夕法尼亚州参议员准备竞选总统,杀进宣布,该国正在被一个邪教组织运行的卡桑德拉集体哭泣。Rick Santorum, a one-time Pennsylvania senator preparing a run for president, rounded out the collective cry of Cassandra by announcing that the nation was being run by a heretic.

如果你接受了一个信念,你就会变成异教徒,不管这个信念最后被证明是多么正确,当我们进入珍珠装饰的真理之门,最后得到了定论。You can be a heretic in the truth if you accept a belief, however true that belief turns out to be at the end of time, when we enter the pearly gates and we finally get the last word.

目前仍不明确的是,图坦卡蒙究竟是阿肯纳顿的儿子还是同父异母的兄弟。阿肯那顿是阿孟霍特普三世法老之子,被视为“异端”法老,他将具有革命性的一神论引入古埃及。It is unclear if he is the son or a half brother of Akhenaten, the "heretic" pharaoh who introduced a revolutionary form of monotheism to ancient Egypt and was the son of Amenhotep III.

自南北朝以后,”妖道”也成为另类道士的代名词,与道教发展如影随形,至今仍然存在于很多国人的心目中。Since Southern-Northern Dynasties, the Diabolism has become synonymous for some heretic Taoists. Hand in hand with the development of Taoism, it still exists in the minds of a lot of people.

当伽利略完善了行星的望远镜观看,他的发明作为一个牧师的魔鬼仪器谴责,因为它似乎是如此不同寻常,因此适合被视为异端。When Galileo perfected a telescope for viewing the planets, his invention was condemned by churchmen as an instrument of the devil as it seemed to be so unusual and hence fit to be deemed heretic.