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看看这些爱马仕只。These look to be Hermes only.

池水一溅,赫尔墨斯跳进池塘。Hermes jumped into the pond with a splash.

“现在,你得永远呆在这儿啦,”赫耳墨斯说。"Now you must stay here forever, " said Hermes.

池水再溅,赫尔墨斯又一次跳进池塘。Hermes jumped into the pond with a splash again.

就在此刻,赫耳墨斯到达地府。Just at that moment, Hermes arrived in the underworld.

争论在持续,赫密士开始玩弄他的七弦琴。As the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre.

这是一项战略性举措,可以很好报复爱马仕。It is a strategic move that could well pay off for Hermes.

马克打开他的随身听,并且逗弄着放在膝盖上的赫尔墨斯。Marc plugs into his Walkman and dandles Hermes on his knee.

维多利亚的赫耳墨斯手袋积累似乎是太多了。Victoria's Hermes handbags accumulating seems to be too much.

最后,赫密斯说故事时,阿格斯开始入睡了。Finally, as Hermes was telling his story, Argus began to sleep.

到了一定的时候,海尔墨斯被指定为宙斯和众神的传令官。In due time Hermes was appointed messenger of Zeus andthe gods.

鸟山明是随手看到个东西就能拿来当名字吗?The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

赫尔墨斯不仅没把金斧子给他,连他原来那把斧子也没给他。Hermes did not give him back not only the gold ax but also his own.

为了救出爱娥,宙斯派赫尔墨斯去杀掉阿古斯。In order to save Io from the monster, Zeus sent Hermes to kill him.

人们称为海尔墨斯的这些雕像,被看作是神圣的。The Hermes , as these statues were called, were regarded as sacred.

赫密斯希望音乐能让阿格斯入眠,但他并未睡着。Hermes hoped that the music would put Argus to sleep, but it didn't.

“这一次,赫尔墨斯没有帮到我们多少。”在入睡之前,我对马克说到。"Hermes didn't help much this time, " I say to Marc before we sleep.

2009年,行人走过即将开张的爱马仕北京店。Pedestrians walk past a soon-to-open Hermes store in Beijing in 2009.

赫密斯立刻遵命,从天上飞到地面上。Hermes immediately obeyed and glided down from the heavens to the earth.

这座建筑装饰着神话人物,阿西娜和爱马仕。This building is adorned with mythological characters, Athena and Hermes.