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圣彼得堡爱尔米塔什博物馆Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

庐屋博物馆的内部。Interior of the Hermitage Museum.

00瓶"隐士山"葡萄酒He ordered 200 bottles of Hermitage wine.

人们对此还是津津乐道He ordered 200 good bottles of Hermitage wine.

我想,她一定会喜欢我们这个幽静的小地方。I think she will be pleased with the hermitage.

某修道院外的涅瓦河上的游船。Tour boats on the Neva River outside the Hermitage.

我起身来到窗前,发现吉普赛小村落那里聚了一群人。I rose and went to the window, and found a crowd gathered round the gypsy hermitage.

当时我睡在越南高地上的一间小茅屋里,那是我隐居的地方。But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage.

塞林格的家人和朋友都很尊重他的隐居处,向瑞士守关卡的士兵一样保护着他。Salinger's family and friends respect his hermitage and protect him like Swiss pikemen.

任何修行者想在本禅院修行都必须遵守以下条规。Any yogis who wishes to stay in this hermitage must accept and comply to the following terms.

自杀比从修道院、从静修中回到这个世界更好些吗?Is it better to kill yourself than to return to the world from the convent, from the hermitage?

圣彼得堡的风景图片。图片中人物穿着一段时间剧装摆好姿势和旅游者在圣彼得堡修道院前面。Characters dressed in period costumes pose with tourists in front of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

扎哈哈迪德的未来设计匹配的文化目标的新的冬宫古根海姆维尔纽斯项目。Zaha Hadid's futuristic designs match the cultural aims of the new Hermitage Guggenheim Vilnius Project.

它被命名为俄罗斯作为一个大而美丽,这是放置在皇宫博物馆冬宫。It is named the Hermitage as a museum of Russian large and beautiful, which is placed in the royal palace.

离草庐半里之外,玄德便下马步行,正遇诸葛均。Half a li from the hermitage they dismounted as a sign of respect. Approaching on foot, they met Zhuge Jun.

艾尔米塔什博物馆官方酒店,圣彼得堡,俄罗斯提出了两个餐厅和一个酒吧。The State Hermitage Museum Official Hotel, St. Petersburg, Russia presents two restaurants and a lobby bar.

世界上最大的美术馆是苏联列宁格勒的冬宫及与其毗连的爱尔米塔什博物馆。The world"s largest art gallery is the Winter Palace and the neighboring Hermitage in Leningrad, U. S. S. R."

尽管他花了大笔金钱在"隐士山"葡萄酒上,但是他爱吃卷心菜以及与普通民众一同进餐For all the talk about eating cabbage and eating with ordinary people, even then Hermitage cost a lot of money.

在17和18世纪,"隐士山"葡萄酒为品酒师所熟知,推崇至今But Hermitage was a wine that was known by connoisseurs in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, and ever since then.

杰克逊自我标榜为一位拥有适度财产的奴隶主,并打算将其打造成为一座规模可观、名为隐士庐的棉花种植园。He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage.