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病痛与犹豫总是结伴同行的。Sickness and hesitancy go hand in hand.

他的犹豫暴露了他的根本不情愿。His hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition.

经济上的自由能够产生焦虑和踌躇。Financial freedom can produce anxiety and hesitancy.

还有什么问题请尽管提问,我是有问必答。If you have got any more question please do not be hesitancy.

确保他们听你说的话,如果您有任何犹豫,立即解决这一问题。Be sure they listen to what you are saying, and if you have any hesitancy , address it immediately.

此外,排尿偶感困难,口腔有点疼痛,无其他症状。In addition there had also been occasional hesitancy in passing urine and some soreness of the mouth.

对于这类事情他经常踌躇不前,这是尽人皆知的。那时候他的犹豫不决使他痛失冠军。He is known for his hesitancy in such matters and his hesitation at that time cost him the championship.

她挣扎的分离和她的犹豫是随着时间的推移使实际的诞生变得更加困难。She is struggling with the separation and Her hesitancy over time is making the actual birth more difficult.

人类最大的缺点是,当他们所爱的人尚在人世时,他们在是否要向爱的人倾诉爱意时犹豫不决。The greatest weakness of humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're still alive.

鉴于这些因素,市场有一些犹豫.除非经济数据强劲,否则美元将处于中性或受支持的状态.Given those factors, there is some hesitancy and unless we get strong economic data, I'm looking for a neutral to supported dollar.

一个文本能够显示一个人说了几分钟的话,但是不能重现他在说话中的自信或犹豫。A written transcript might show that one person spoke for several minutes, but it won't reveal the confidence or hesitancy in their voice.

经济上的自由能够产生焦虑和踌躇。在生活当中,因为我继承了一大笔钱我的能力曾经被怀疑。Financial freedom can produce anxiety and hesitancy. In my own life, I have been intimidated about my abilities because I inherited money.

它们已察觉到欧盟在出台希腊和爱尔兰纾困计划时的犹豫,以及德国政府针对未来救助发出的警告。They have tracked the hesitancy that accompanied the Greek and Irish bail-outs and the caveats being attached by Berlin to future rescues.

他对于防范对方长传高球的犹豫虽然给本队的后防带来了一定的压力,但是昨晚的比赛中他的表现仍足以证明他是一个可以阻止对方射门得分的优秀门将。His hesitancy at crosses and high balls continues to cause problems at the back, but he showed last night just what an exceptional shot stopper he is.

在明日非农就业报告出炉前,市场很犹豫.迄今为止我们所看到的每个指标均显示美国就业市场小幅走软.There is a lot of hesitancy ahead of tomorrow's nonfarm payrolls report. Every indication we have had so far points to a slightly softer labor market in the U.S.

各家公司在招聘问题上踌躇不前,而美国第三季度生产力却大幅上升,这或许表明现有员工增加了工作量。The hesitancy of companies to hire comes despite a surge in productivity in the third quarter, possibly indicating that existing workers are being stretched to do more.

几年前跟亚当分手时,最让我害怕迟疑的就是会失去我的编辑、我的校对、说到底就是我得以“简单思考”的安全网。When I was breaking up with Adam, years ago, one of my big fear and hesitancy was that I would loose my editor, my proofreader, essentially my safety net for Think Simple Now.

在400年的莎评中,批评家们提出了许多不同的意见,分别从哈姆雷特的性格、时代背景、俄狄浦斯情结等多个方面分析了哈姆雷特的犹豫。In the past 400-year history of Shakespearian studies, critics have interpreted Hamlet's hesitancy from different angles like Hamlet's character or background or the Oedipus complex.