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你是一个乡下佬。You're a hick.

他是个讨厌的乡巴佬。He is an obnoxious hick.

那时我不过是从得克萨斯来的土包子。I was just a hick from Texas then.

当时我只是个村里来的傻小子。I was only a hick town lad at that time.

没有人会帮助乡下佬除非乡下佬帮助自己。Nobody ever helped a hick but a hick himself.

我不知道是谁比较蠢,你还是乡巴佬?I don't know who's more stupid, you or the hick.

我大一时期的同窗是一个十足的乡巴佬。My roommate in my freshman year was a real hick.

她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。Her parents told her not to look down upon the hick.

他也许是个乡巴老,但是至少是可以信得过的。He may be a hick but she can trust him a whole lot more.

啊,克里夫,我是一个“无知的乡巴佬”吗?So, Clive , I'm an "Ignorant cowboy- booted Hick "am I ?

他也许是个乡巴佬,但是至少是可以信得过的。He may be a hick , but she can trust him a whole lot more.

他也许是个乡巴佬,但至少是可以信得过的。He may be a hick , but she can trust him a whole lot more.

格林先生是偌治亚洲某家乡村报纸的编辑。Mr. Green is the editor of some hick newspaper in Georgia.

六个生病的乡下人用十字镐和木棒在挖六块光滑的砖头。Six sick hick nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

你听着,小鬼,当我派的人到你那个乡下小镇去找不到你的时候,我还很担心哪。Listen, kid, I was worried when I couldn't get ahold of you in that hick town.

混凝土是由粗骨料、水泥砂浆及界面粘结带组成的复合材料。The concrete is composed of hick aggregates, cement mortar and caking belt of contact surface.

二十年前他来纽约之前,只不过是堪萨斯州种玉米的乡巴佬。When he came to New York 20 years ago, he was only a hick fresh out of the cornfields of Kansas.

QQQ指数一直沿上升管路的上方趋势线攀升,周五它终于出现了小幅回调。The QQQ has crept up alongside the upper trendline of the rising channel and on Friday it had a little hick up.

没有理由当我们上网之后,就必须要与美国乡下来的卡车司机这类人交往。There is no reason why when we come online we should have to socialize with truck drivers etc. from hick parts of the USA.

麦克道戈尔承认,她曾拒绝出庭作证的传唤令,原因是她不信任斯塔尔和他的主要副手希克·尤因。McDougal admitted that she had refused a court order to testify because she didn’t trust Starr and his chief deputy, Hick Ewing.