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HMD光学系统的设计非常具有挑战性。The design of HMD optical system is very challenging.

理想的HMD光学系统应该重量轻、体积小。A perfect HMD optical system should be light weight and compact.

车载人员可以选择任何视频输入源,并在PV35头盔显示器查看。Crew members can select from any of the video input sources, and view them on the PV35 HMD.

本文介绍了HMD光学系统的工作原理和一般组成。This paper briefly introduces the work principle and the general construction of HMD optical system.

头盔显示器提供的红外图像,使恶劣的天气和黑夜不再成为驾驶员作战的障碍。Adverse weather and night will no longer be obstacles to air combat with the IR image supplied by HMD.

本文描述了一种用在灵境系统的头盔显示中的光学观察系统,给出了其设计要点。An optical viewing system used in such a HMD system is described in the paper and its design outline is given.

头盔内嵌显示器消除了与传统抬头显示器相关的花费和重量,并简化了座舱设计。The HMD eliminates the cost and weight associated with traditional head-up displays and simplifies cockpit design.

“头盔内嵌显示器的进步将为武器瞄准和流向飞行员的目标信息两个方面带来改进,”比斯利说。"HMD advancements will improve both weapons' aiming and target information that flows to the pilot, " Beesley says.

为满足这些要求,文中描述了改进传统的HMD光学系统的两种方法。To comply with these requirements, two methods are described to improve the conventional HMD optical system in this paper.

该HMD将完全整合飞机的嵌入式模拟训练系统,以及全任务模拟器。The HMD will be fully integrated with the aircraft's embedded training simulation system as well as with the full mission simulator.

头盔内嵌显示器就跟飞行员的视线是在穿透一个真正的抬头显示器一样提供抬头显示器的信息,而与飞行员将头转向哪个方向无关。The HMD provides HUD information as though pilots are looking through an actual HUD no matter in what direction they turn their heads.

您还将学习如何通过HMD控制作用和避免打动作或动画的时候,观众不看它。You'll also learn how to control interactions through the HMD and avoid playing an action or animation when the viewer is not looking at it.

公司计划采用创新的人体力学设计,使头戴式显示器产品佩戴起来更加舒适且更为简单易用。NVIS plans to address this widespread weakness with innovative new designs that provide superior ergonomic features for an easy to use, more comfortable HMD.

罗克韦尔柯林斯公司已经提供了近30年的先进头盔显示器解决方案,在光学和电子技术相结合领域获得很高声誉。Rockwell Collins has provided advanced HMD solutions for three decades, gaining a reputation for expertise in the combined use of optic and electronic technologies.

据报道这款经典手机将在本月的世界移动通信大会上重新发布,届时诺基亚手机制造商HMD公司还将推出一系列诺基亚新款设备。A homage 1 to the Finnish giant's classic feature phone will reportedly be released later this month when HMD unveils its new range of Nokia branded devices at Mobile World Congress.

公司铸机产品AMF、AMFV系列东久自动造型生产线图片展板,用东久线生产的铸件实物,以及HAP自动浇注机、HMD有箱造型图片展板。AMF, AMFV series used for product castings, which produced by Tokyu Japan, Pastors of AMF, AMFV series Flasklass moulding machine, HAP pouring machine, and HMD Rask moulding machine.