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也许可以通过施农家肥是它活过来。Perhaps I can revive it with some homegrown COMPOST.

啊,一场国产的金融危机令一切大变样。Ah, what a difference a homegrown financial crisis makes.

想在吃饭时加上点自己种植的辣椒么?Want to fire up your meals with homegrown chilis. chilies ?

之后数十年,再无国产汽车制造品牌。For the following decade, the automaker had no homegrown brands.

在商店夜间被盗之后,该果蔬市场贴出的一份被盗声明。The Homegrown Market put up a sign after the store was burglarized.

想要在你的日常饮食中吃上自家种植的辣椒吗?OnceWant to fire up your meals with home-grown chilis, they homegrown chilies?

他没有说明他认为极端分子是来自国内还是国外。He didn't say whether he believed the militants were homegrown or foreign-based.

有吴倩莲这样的外国艺人加入,对本地的作品是有价值的。An asset for a homegrown production is having foreign talents such as Jacqueline Ng.

在北京新闻报刊登了此则消息的几天内,几个中国本土的相似网站出现了。Within days of the Beijing News story, several homegrown Chinese spinoffs had emerged.

即使有几个像汤米·泰勒这样买进的巴斯比宝贝也是本土球员。Although some of the Busby Babes—like Tommy Taylor—were bought in, several were homegrown.

该公司已经预订了新加坡最著名的流行歌手孙燕姿于2月16日作为嘉宾到场。The company has booked Stefanie Sun, the city's best-known homegrown pop singer, for Feb. 16.

例如,银行使用的是本国出产的程序或者像CSC这样的公司出产的商务软件。For example, banks run on homegrown programs or commercial software created by companies like CSC.

因此,亚洲缺乏在民主制下经济内生增长取得成功的显著例子。Asia therefore lacks a strong homegrown exemplar of successful economic development under democracy.

足球协会理事布鲁金爵士表示英格兰国家队教练应该是土生土长的。Football Association director Sir Trevor Brooking says the next England manager should be homegrown.

如果你有自产的效率技术,我愿闻其详。If you have a homegrown productivity technique that works well for you, I would love to hear about it.

这种帮助有可能有助于这些组织自身稳定,以及为长期进步提供国内“自产”的基础。Such assistance may help solidify these groups and provide a homegrown base for long-term development.

那次爆炸案使168名无辜者丧生于一个美国本土长大的狂热分子手下。Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, where 168 innocents lost their lives to a homegrown American fanatic.

在全球化经济中,我们不能指望仅靠本土劳动力就能满足我们对于劳动力的需求。In a globalized economy we cannot expect to fill all of our labor needs with a homegrown workforce alone.

农田食品是通过“从农田到餐桌”体制生产出的独特的本地产品。Farmland Foods makes exceptional homegrown products developed through a complete farm-to-table food system.

在华盛顿果蔬市场中的粉笔画,在这里邻居们都很害怕这位“赤脚大盗”。Chalk drawings at the Homegrown Market on Orcas Island, Wash., where residents feared the "Barefoot Bandit."