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现在,我希望自己或多或少写像自己的东西。Today, I hopeI write more or less like myself.

我永远也不买来自朝鲜半岛的任何东西。I hopeI NEVER buy anything from Korea. Page887.

河北省遵化县的经验,不过是这些事例的一个。One such example is the experience of tsunhua county hopei province.

河北、山东等省也有许多这样的包围。And there are many similar instances in Hopei and Shantung Provinces.

十月,日本帝国主义在河北省香河县指使汉奸暴动,一度占领了县城。In October at the instigation of the Japanese invaders, some Chinese traitors staged a revolt in Hsiangho, Hopei Province, and seized the county town.

东北和冀东的抗日游击战争,正在回答日本帝国主义的进攻。The anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare now going on in the northeastern provinces and eastern Hopei is their reply to the attacks of Japanese imperialism.

燕山大峡谷位于河北省承德丰宁满族自治县汤河乡境内,属燕山山脉。Yanshan grand canyon locate in Hopei Chengde abundant rather manchu autonomous county soup river village churchyard, Belongs to Yanshan mountain range.

日本人在台湾的土地被大陆来的接收大员据为已有,华北垦业公司则侵吞了河北几十万亩土地。Japanese land in Formosa was appropriated by mainland carpetbaggers , while the North China Exploitation Company seized several hundred thousand mow of land in Hopei.

开始是太行和太岳山区农业歉收,接着冀南发生水灾,河南又遭蝗害,转眼间殃及四省。To begin with, there was a crop failure in the Taihang and Taiyueh mountains, a flood in southern Hopei and locusts in Honan which soon began to sweep over all four provinces.

目前正在开始的召集河北参议会和选举河北行政委员会,是一件具有严重意义的事。The convening of the Hopei Provincial Assembly and the elections to the Hopei Administrative Council, preparations for which have just been started, will be of exceptional importance.