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他们将他扣作人质。They held him hostage.

我接受霍斯特作为我们的人质。I will accept Hoster as our hostage.

强盗决定绑架一名人质。The robber decided to abduct a hostage.

有四种典型的人质情境。There are four typical hostage scenarios.

别开枪!他劫持了一名女孩子作人质。Don't fire!He hijacked a girl as a hostage.

一名银行职员被扣作人质。One of the bank clerks was held as a hostage.

警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

香港游客在菲律宾遭劫持,8人遇害。HK tourists killed in Manila hostage incident.

警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as dieter hoses.

在这个节骨眼上,他威胁杀死人质。At this point, he threatened to kill a hostage.

劫持人质者在警方突袭中丧生。The hostage taker was killed in police assault.

杨潜入清营营救人质。Yang Qian rescues hostage into clear battalion.

国际货币基金组织和世界银行胁持整个国家。The IMF & World Bank take hostage entire nations.

遭索马里海盗劫持的美国船长跳海逃亡失败。US hostage fails in escape bid from Somali pirates.

“诸神是慈悲的。”他的人质不大确定的说。"The gods are good, " his hostage said, uncertainly.

这份目录选出10大现代人质挟持编列成表。This list looks at 10 modern examples of hostage taking.

孩子们被扣押在地下通道里作人质。The children were detained as hostage in the underground.

为什么让人质在光天化日之下活跃在伊利市?Why send a hostage hopping around Erie in broad daylight?

但是,其中一名男子动手给凯文松绑,另一名捉住了泰瑞。Yet when one starts to untie Kevin the other takes Teri hostage.