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快点,哈兰!Haran! Hurry up!

请抓紧时间。Please hurry up.

他走得很急。He left in a hurry.

什幺事让您这幺着急呢?What is your hurry?

何必匆忙乃尔?Why all this hurry?

别来去匆匆。Don't be in a hurry.

但我总是吃得很匆忙。But I always eat hurry.

但是,这并不着急。But there was no hurry.

那么妈咪我们赶快吧。Let's hurry then Mammy.

你没有必要着急。You didn't need to hurry.

快点儿,否则我们会迟到的。Hurry up, or we'll be late.

因此它们很快的爬入海洋。So they hurry into the sea.

忙乱对祷告是致命的。Hurry is the death of prayer.

我匆匆赶到售票处。I hurry to the ticket office.

不要一旦获得工作就匆忙答应下来。Dont hurry when offered a job.

快点,亲爱的,公共汽车到了。Hurry dear, coming is the bus.

快点起来,跟我去练枪!Hurry up, go with me Lianqiang!

别忙。一个一个地进来。Don't hurry. Come in one by one.

噢,吉姆,快点,我急着要走呀。Jim, come along. I'm in a hurry.

我有要事要处理,可以先走一步吗。May I go now as I am in a hurry.