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因此为什么还都要炒作?So why all the hype?

其他一切都是浮云。Everything else is just hype.

我知道该怎么做,你别想骗我啦。I know how to do, try not to hype me.

这种意料中的倾向会把事情说得天花乱坠。The natural tendency is to hype things up.

不要相信所有总统都出生在小木屋里。Don't believe all that born-in-a-log-cabin hype.

她是个公共关系事务所的宣传员。She is a hype artist for a public relations firm.

热捧中国的人突然碰到了对手。Suddenly the China hype hipsters had competition.

他们试图以抽奖的方式刺激销售。They tried to hype up their goods by the lottery.

我不知道吸血鬼们会不会成为一套强力套牌。I don't know if Vampires will live up to the hype.

其真正的含义惊颤在天花乱坠的广告宣传中消失了。The true meaning is often lost in advertising hype.

这一次,炒作集中于以更精准的方式销售商品。This time, the hype centers on more precise ways to sell.

这些产品有更多的超出实际的大肆宣传。There's more hype to these products than there is reality.

他对媒体对于“高考状元”的大肆宣传进行了批评。He criticized the media hype over the so-called zhuangyuan.

中国的航空业确实不负盛名。China's air-travel industry has, indeed, lived up to the hype.

呆在纽约只会让你更加得被高估。Being in N.Y. will only increase Carmelo Anthony's overrated hype.

除了所有的大肆宣传,电气化的好处无疑已经得到了证明。All hype aside, electrification certainly proved to be a good idea.

例如,那些夸大其词,将产品吹得天花乱坠的销售员。For example, the salesman who goes beyond the hype and exaggerates.

胁从营销策略是增加炒作效果和悬念的好办法。Threatening marketing scheme is a great way to add hype and suspense.

相信平面世界的广告宣传的管理者们在处理他们个人的风险时也是这样做的。Managers who believe the hype of a flat world do so at their own risk.

我摔倒在宣传上的防尘套和玛雅文化的类型作品内。I fell for the hype on the dust jacket and the Mayan type artwork within.