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他们是层状,X连锁,鱼鳞病及表皮角化的形式。They are lamellar, x-linked, and epidermolytic hyperkeratosis forms of ichthyosis.

病理组织检验可见到表皮裂解角质增厚的表现。The skin biopsy specimen showed the histologic features of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.

临床上以脚垫角化、鼻部角化的病例引起神经性症状的多发。Keratosis clinically with mats, nasal hyperkeratosis of cases caused by multiple neurological symptoms.

病理上尖锐湿疣以增生为主,尤以异型增生、角化过度及角化不全为特征。Pathological changes of condyloma are characterized as proliferation, especially dysplasia, hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis.

病理检查为表皮层有扩张的汗管伴随局部过度角化和棘层肥厚。The histopathologic examination revealed dilatation of intracorneal eccrine ducts with mild focal hyperkeratosis and acanthosis.

而且当纤维和其他皮肤改变,如乳突淋瘤、囊肿、瘘管以及角化过度,感染会更为常见。Furthermore, infections become more common, as do fibrosis and other skin changes, such as papillomas, cysts, fistulas , and hyperkeratosis.

目的了解燃煤型砷中毒皮肤角化点继发皮肤癌变的情况。Objective To understand the situation of secondary skin cancer of hyperkeratosis of skin spot caused by coal burning type of arsenic poisoning.

先证者双肘膝关节毛囊角化性丘疹,足趾及跖部灶性胼胝样角化过度,20甲营养不良。Proband also had special clinical feature including follicular hyperkeratosis on the elbows and knees, and onychodystrophy of 20 nails as well.

值得注意的是皮肤过度角化,使其产生粗糙的红色鳞屑外形,且常有溃疡。Note the overlying hyperkeratosis of the skin, which helps to produce the rough, red, scaling appearance seen grossly, and there is often ulceration.

值得注意的是皮肤过度角化,使其产生粗糙的红色起鳞屑外形,且常有溃疡。Note the overlying hyperkeratosis of the skin, which helps to produce the rough, red, scaling appearance seen grossly, and there is often ulceration.

腹部皮损组织病理学检查示,表皮角化过度,颗粒层变薄,棘层不规则增厚,真皮浅层散在噬色素细胞,血管周围有淋巴细胞浸润。Pathological changes of the abdomen showed hyperkeratosis and mild irregular acanthosis, the granular layer was thin and melanophage and perivascular lymphocytic infiltration in upper dermis.