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原子破冰船穿过冰山之间向前航行。The atomic icebreaker reeved the icebergs.

堀圭一是欧若拉冰船的船长。Keiichi Hori is captain of the icebreaker "Aurora".

它也是会见新客户打开僵局的法宝。It’s also a great icebreaker for meetings with new clients.

破冰船是俄罗斯历史上整整一个时代的象征。The icebreaker symbolizes a whole epoch in the history of Russia.

增加了破冰者武器附魔造成的火焰伤害。Increased the Fire damage inflicted by the Icebreaker weapon enchantment.

仅仅是让你的队员都聚到一起,玩几次打破僵局的游戏是远远不够的。It is not enough to get your group together off site and have a few icebreaker games.

贝加尔湖上的铁路用的蒸汽式破冰船,建造于1896年。A steam-powered icebreaker for the transportation of the trains on Lake Baikal, built in 1896.

此次访问是破冰之旅,但是,津巴布韦联合政府仍然有很多方面需要证明。This visit was an icebreaker of sorts, but Zimbabwe's unity government still has an awful lot to prove.

随着货运量交易的上升,将会有很多船只需要破冰船的帮助。With the increase in freight turnover there will be a larger number of ships that will need icebreaker assistance.

它能往返于莫斯科和纽约之间,TB-1并且参与救援“切柳斯金号”破冰船。Besides flights from Moscow to New York, the TB-1 was involved in the rescue of the icebreaker crew of “Chelyuskin”.

你可以用你特殊的爱好或兴趣,作为一个谈话的开始,雇主会欣赏这个打破僵局的开头的。You could use your unique hobby or interest as a conversation-starting icebreaker that the employer will appreciate.

人们可以在现代艺术节期间参观破冰船“卡拉辛”号。Icebreaker ‘Krasin’ is a museum that could be visited during the Festival of Modern art held in a traditional museum.

裴洛维奇也是席巴海冰研究站的首席科学家,他搭乘的破冰船与北极浮冰冻结在一块儿,一起漂流了一年。Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA, a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice.

芬兰湾里漂来一块羽毛状的冰块,它可能是在芬兰破冰船塔尔莫号的边上形成的。Probably formed on the side of the Finnish icebreaker Tarmo, a feather-edged loaf of ice floats in the Gulf of Finland.

可以想像,要在300多人面前讲话令我多么紧张,但它也使我打开了局面。As you can imagine, speaking in front of 300 people was a nerve-wracking experience for me, but it was also an icebreaker.

除了破冰之外,还可以被用来消除泄露的原油,灭火,拖船和参与救援行动。In spite of icebreaker functions it can eliminate oil spills, put out fires, tow boats and take part in rescue operations.

在本次论文中主要包括两个方面,即破冰船破冰方式及推进性能的研究。This paper includes two aspects, the research of ice-breaking ways and the propulsion performance of the rivery icebreaker.

该故障将使破冰船停止支持再补给给麦克默多站的深冻行动。The breakdown will keep the icebreaker from supporting Operation Deep Freeze in the resupply of McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

因为要使用该航线,必须获得俄罗斯当局的许可,并得到至少一艘俄罗斯破冰船的护送。Permission from the Russian authorities and at least one Russian atomic icebreaker as an escort are required to use the route.

当你明白打破沉默最好的方式就是说心里话后,再想发起谈话就没那么可怕了。When you realize the best icebreaker is a few words from the heart, the act of starting a conversation becomes far less daunting.