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因此,办理ICP证是企业网站合法经营的需要。Therefore, conduction ICP syndrome is enterprise's websites legitimate business needs.

为了能准确检测硬模下ICP,感应元件需面对皮质。To ensure accurate sub-dura ICP monitoring, the sensing element must be facing the cortex.

秩和检验显示模拟的颅内压波形和实验测得的无显著性差异。There is no significant difference between simulated ICP curves and experimental ICP curves.

在迎来第五十万名游客的同时,我们信息通信馆于昨日召开了第一次员工代表会议。During welcoming the 500,000th visitor, our ICP also held the first staff meeting yesterday. Mr.

然后,全面展开了基于ICP算法的地形匹配算法研究。Whereafter, the terrain-matching algorithm based on ICP algorithm is researched comprehensively.

首先,你必须得联网,并且找到提供免费电子邮箱的ICP主页。First you have to connect to the Internet and go to the homepage of ICP providing free mailboxes.

论文把RANSAC粗配准算法与ICP精确配准算法相结合,具有较高的收敛速度和鲁棒性。When the ICP algorithm combines with RANSAC algorithm, the registration is high-speed and robust.

越来越多的高科技企业将由纯粹的技术提供商向ICP转型。More and more high-tech enterprises will by dinkum technical provider to provider of ICP transition.

如果ICP显示装置是和病人监护仪连在一起的,屏幕会提示你为监护仪调零。If the ICP Express is connected to a patient monitor, the screen will prompt you to zero the monitor.

最后采用ICP算法对点云初配结果进行优化,实现点云精确配准。Finally, by using ICP algorithm to modify the former result, the optimal registration can be achieved.

本文介绍了如何运用威达工控牛顿7000系列智能模块来组建化工厂集散控制系统。The paper introduces how to use 7000 series intelligent modules of ICP to make DCS in chemical factory.

相信我们信息通信馆有信心迎接台风暴雨天气的挑战并且安然度过今年的汛期。Believe our ICP is confidence to meet the challenge of storm and heavy rain and pass this year's flood season.

而产生跳变回滞现象的原因是ICP中存在容性耦合以及鞘层电容具有非线性特性。The bistable exists is because of there is capacitive coupling in ICP system and sheath capacitance is nonlinear.

从2011年1月开始,全球约180个国家和地区将开展国际比较项目调查,整个活动将于2013年年底结束。From January 2011, around 180 countries and regions will start the ICP investigation. The program ends in late 2013.

本文研究了用等离子质谱法测定高纯氧化镨中十三个稀土杂质。This paper studied the method of determination for 13 trace rare earth impurities in high purity Pr 6O 11 by ICP MS.

急骤升高颅内压至血压的二分之一水平时,如脑灌注压不低于70-80毫米汞柱,脑电图士不出现明显异常。When ICP is increased quickly to half level of BP no obvious change appears in EEG, if CPP is not below, 70-80 mmHg.

降低外周血胆汁酸浓度促进胎盘循环能够改善ICP患者胎儿的不良预后。So therapy of ICP patients is to decrease the concentration of bile acids and reinforce blood circulation of placenta.

2007年9月27日,谷歌终于获得了监管部门要求的在中国运行网站的ICP证。September 27, 2007, Google finally got the ICP licence which is required by China’s regulators to operate website in China

没有ICP证书,我们不能运营像Google.cn这样的商业网站,因此谷歌在实际性地退出中国。Without an ICP license, we can't operate a commercial website like—so Google would effectively go dark in China.

拟定了用聚四氟乙烯烧杯分解试样,采用ICP-AES法同时测定工业硅及多晶硅中铁、铝、钙、硼、砷、磷六个元素。Decomposition of sample in polytetrafluoroethylene beaker and then determination of six elements with ICP AES were adopted.