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他们会将朋友理想化。They tend to idealize their friends.

我并不想将小地方的生活理想化。I don't want to idealize lifeinsmall places.

我不想理想化在小地方的生活。I don't want to idealize life in small places.

诗的纯正功能向来都是理想化地描绘事物。The pure office of poetry is ever to idealize.

大一新生往往把大学生活理想化了。Freshmen tend to idealize their lives in college.

我们将对方理想化而且难以从脑海将之驱逐。We idealize them and can't get them off our minds.

被他/她甩之后,总会把他/她理想化。After being dumped, it's natural to idealize the dumper.

天秤总是喜欢把一切事物理想化,然后就可能失去所有的幻想。The Libra is inclined to idealize everything and can lose all illusions.

你的配偶对理想爱情对战平凡生活的电影持什么态度呢?How does your mate respond to movies that idealize love vs. "ordinary" life?

所以我不认为他们任何理想化,政治是一种潜在的专业。So I don't think that any of them idealize politics as a potential profession.

我们着迷,是因为我们理想化但又害怕承担未来的责任。We are entranced because we both idealize and fear that kind of responsibility for the future.

对人们来说,想象当兵的日子比真的把自己的孩子送上战场简单的多。It’s a lot easier to idealize the people who are fighting than it is to send your kid to join them.

理想主义者把他们自己理想化,并且如上述所说,不断地寻找他们最真或真实的自我。Idealists idealize themselves, and, as mentioned above, continue searching for their true self or real self.

康墨德说,在蜜月期,双方都理想化伴侣,看到的只是彼此的优点。In the honeymoon stage, partners idealize each other, seeing only their partner's best qualities, said Commerford.

一方面是因为你会将他人理想化,而当发现他们不如你所想象的那样时,你会感觉到很失望。Partly this is because you idealize others, and when they turn out to be less than you had imagined, you are disappointed.

高勒和斯塔福都认为异地恋爱可以回避更多矛盾,更趋向于把另一半理想化。Both Guldner and Stafford see greater conflict avoidance in long-distance relationships and a tendency to idealize a faraway partner.

一项新的研究表明,将配偶大大理想化的人拥有最幸福的婚姻--至少最初几年是这样。Because a new study shows that people who greatly idealize their spouses have the happiest marriages. For the first few years, anyway.

是研究他们太少,把他们太理想化,认为他们的经济、制度什么都是好的,甚至包括良心!We've done too little study on them. We idealize their economic structure and social institutions, everything, even their moral standards.

这无疑使影片更合观众和评委的口味,使影片成为了一种理想化道德的象征。This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol.

因此社会科学要想大规模规律化,也应该借鉴式的使用理想化的方法,对社会历史进行理想化的研究。Therefore Idealized social science to large-scale rule change, also should use for reference type the method of social idealize history research.