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我说,"让我看看,'昧',它的意思是聪明、机灵。Imbecile.'It means smart, intelligent.

人是聪敏的动物表现如低能儿。Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

我并不坚持我们可能给予白痴的定义。I am not insisting on the definition that we may give of imbecile.

一个人神智不清仍旧可以存活,但一旦心脏停止工作,其生命就会终结。A man can be an imbecile and survive, but as soon as his heart stops functioning, the creature is dead.

如果学生的唯一期望就是得高分,学生们会变成学生高分低能儿。If the unique expectation for students is to get high scores, students will become high marks imbecile.

离开国家队后,我就立即感到了后悔。过去我无数次对自己说,‘我是一个多么弱智的人。’I immediately regretted leaving the job. I told myself that I was an imbecile so many times for quitting.

我倒想狠狠地摇撼你,就因为你的可鄙的奸诈,和你那低能的奇想。I've a very good mind to shake you severely, for your contemptible treachery, and your imbecile conceit.'

低能的前任总统。我爸可能是这个世界上唯一一个,听到这个消息比我还难过的人了。A certain imbecile former president. My dad has gotta be the only person in the world Who's more upset about this news than me.

我还以为只有一个荷兰傻瓜建了1.3版本的诺亚方舟。现在看来有更多傻瓜在建方舟,这个是1.4版本的方舟吗?I thought there was only an imbecile in the Netherlands building Noah's ark 1.3. Now more seem to be working on it, is this now 1.4 ?

中国无法漠视利比亚那些被疯狂的压迫者和白痴镇压的人民,主要因为关心石油。China couldn't careless for the people of Libya that are being suppressed by a maniacal oppressor and an imbecile. It's main concern is oil.

事实上,余曰,中国如今已成共和之国,盖因目今穷凶极恶低能之中国人,绞辫子而丢其文明之故也。In fact, China, I may say here, has become a republic now because the poor demented imbecile Republican Chinaman today has lost his civilization as he has lost his queue.