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未成熟的B细胞都在做什么呢What do immature B-cells do?

她是年轻和稍微发育未全的。She's young and a little bit immature.

混棉中存在未成熟棉。Presence of immature cottons in the mixing.

这位老爷爷很小的时候就入了村塾。A lord regarded as immature or insignificant.

不要选择在野外捕捉的未成熟珊瑚鱼。Do not choose immature wild caught reef fish.

洋蓟花头这种植物的可食用的,未成熟的花头。The edible, immature flower head of this plant.

建立了未熟油的生油模式。Model of immature oil generation is established.

未熟的果实被广泛用于腌制。Its immature fruits are widely used for pickling.

未成熟畸胎瘤的恶性程度可逆转。Malignant degree of immature teratoma can be reverse.

可能是未成年的雄性朱背啄花鸟吧。Probably an immature male Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker.

孔店组原油为低熟油。The oil from Kongdian Formation is immature crude oil.

不成熟细胞和成熟细胞间的差异是什么What's different from an immature cell and a mature cell?

此时大地刚刚回暖,茶芽非常稚嫩。At this time the earth has warmed up, Chaya very immature.

③香菇多糖使末梢血中性幼稚细胞比例明显增加。Immature neutrophil ratio in tumor lentinan group increased.

鲁道夫递过烟来,但又马上觉得这样做有些不够妥当。Rudolf offered tobacco, feeling suddenly immature as he did so.

发育未成熟的小儿骨盆骨折相对少见。Fractures of the skeletally immature pelvis are relatively rare.

真有尚未成熟的“青春期大脑”拖住他们?Is there really an immature "teenage brain" that holds them back?

这门学问确实是超出了她那未成熟的智力范围。This knowledge is really beyond the compass of her immature mind.

在坍塌的瓦砾堆中,一张稚嫩的小脸出现在眼前。Collapsed in a pile of rubble, an immature in the eyes of Xiaolian.

未成年的蜥怪站起来大约有一头成年野猪般大小。Immature basilisks usually stand as tall and wide as an adult boar.