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天父啊,请您引领他们朝向永恒不变的路程奔跑。Father, please guide them to run for the course of eternal immutability.

全世界的农民们都明白季节的重要性和永恒性。Farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons.

世上的农民都知道季节的重要性和永恒性。Farmers all over the world know that importance and immutability of the seasons.

全全地球的农民们都明白季节的很重要性和永恒性。Farmers all over the globe knowinging the importance and immutability the seasons.

很不幸,中微子的稳定性也使得它非常难以被探测到。Unfortunately, neutrinos' immutability also makes them rather difficult to detect.

不变性理念也融入了所有映射和并发性代码中。The notion of immutability is also baked into all the reflection and concurrency code.

在像函数式编程者那样思考的方法列表中,维护不变性处于列表的较高位置。Embracing immutability is high on the list of ways to think like a functional programmer.

从治学态度来看,学生要有学而不厌和学贵有恒的精神。From his scholarly attitude of the students have Insatiable and the immutability of your spirit.

不可变性还允许我们简化有关并发性的推理,并提供读取共享数据的低成本方法。Immutability also allows us to simplify reasoning about concurrency and provide cheap reads of shared data.

类道德价值既有其存在的特殊性和时代性,也有其存在的普遍性和永恒性。Similar moral value exists for its particularity and contemporaneity as well as its universality and immutability.

采用磁力扭矩式封盖头,自动抓盖、拧盖,有恒力矩封盖功能。Use magnetic torque type capping heads, automatic grasping cover, screw cap, immutability torque capping function.

但我相信不变性的理念在Fan中通过const类型和const场相比而言更加深入。But I do think the notion of immutability is more hardwired into Fan via the notion of const types and const fields.

这为你的类型的用户提供了分步创建对象的方法,同时为你的类型保持了不可变性。That provides a way for users of your class to construct an object in steps, yet maintain the immutability of your type.

结构共享依靠数据的不可变性使数据新旧实例之间的共享成为可能。Structural sharing relies on the data's immutability to make sharing possible between the old and new instances of the data.

通过不暴露setter方法,代码愈发紧凑并且还提供了域不可修改的额外益处。By not exposing a setter method, the code is more concise and also provides the additional benefit of enforcing immutability.

可以注意到,在这两个用例中,测试会在抛出异常时终止,这是因为有语句违反了不可变性合约。Notice that in both cases, the test terminates when an exception is thrown because of a violation of the immutability contract.

照样,神愿意为那承受应许的人,格外显明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓为证。Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath

不变性是函数式编程的关键,因为它与尽量减少变化部分的这一目标相一致,这使得对这些部分的推断更为容易一些。Immutability is key to functional programming because it matches the goals of minimizing the parts that change, making it easier to reason about those parts.

指纹识别技术作为生物识别技术的一种,以其特有的唯一性和不变性,成为当前最可靠的个人身份识别技术。Fingerprint identification as a biometric is becoming one of the most reliable personal authentication technologies due to the uniqueness and immutability of fingerprints.