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他的房子被烧毁时,他毫无表情地在旁边看着。He watched impassively as his house burned down.

在一面玻璃窗户后,看不清面目的旁观者冷漠地看着Lincoln。Faceless onlookers watch Lincoln impassively through a glass window.

法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑,被告木木然坐著毫无反应。The accused sit impassively as the judge sentence him to ten year in prison.

法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑,被告木木然坐著毫无反应。The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison.

在不利证据被出示时,被告面无表情地坐在被告席上。The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.

警察在街对面站成一排,神情木然地注视着示威者。The police stood in a line across the street, impassively surveying the protesters.

约?埃里克?汉弗莱不动声色地站在指挥台上,等着反对的喧嚣声消退。On the podium j? Eric humphrey stood impassively waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside.

在示威者集会地点,挂着一幅普密蓬国王十分醒目的巨大画像,画中国王面无表情地注视着红衫军。At the rally site, a giant spotlit portrait of him gazed down impassively on the red-shirted crowds.

第二天,艾德表情木然地听完全场演讲,然后一言不发地离开会场。The next day he sat impassively all through the seminar and left at the end without saying anything to me.

很多旁观者聚集在商店前面,一些人挥着手,而大部分人只是来看看热闹。Other clusters of onlookers gathered before storefronts, a few waving but most merely looking on impassively.

在星期一法庭宣判起诉他的86项罪名几乎全都成立时,卡萨布毫无表情地坐在那里。On Monday, Kasab sat impassively as the court in Mumbai found him guilty on nearly all of the 86 charges against him.

看台上中国领导人也给人这种感觉,他们穿着差不多一样的服装面无表情的观看着表演。Neither do China's leaders, who watch impassively from a podium in the sweltering heat dressed in near identical suits.

通常最好的方法是不动声色地等,等到你的对手自己出漏子,对你心爱的人产生厌倦。Very often the best plan is to wait impassively until your rival, by his own blunders, wears out his welcome with your beloved.

多年来普通民众只是眼睁睁的看着收入增长停滞,工作被转移到了中国,少数幸运儿也要像中世纪的十字军一样出征海外。For years ordinary citizens looked on impassively as their incomes stagnated, their jobs were shipped to China, and a few lucky folks made out like medieval crusaders.

检方指控穆巴拉克在今年早些时候镇压反抗活动时蓄意杀害尽可能多的无辜者,而现年83岁的穆巴拉克则冷漠地听着。Mr. Mubarak, 83 years old, listened impassively as the prosecutor accused him of 'intending to kill as many innocent people as possible' during the uprising earlier this year.