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一些最受欢迎的花有菊花,凤仙花和喇叭花。Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias.

到目前为止,花盆里的秋海棠、凤仙花和伽蓝菜看起来还是完好无缺的。Thus far, the begonias and impatiens and kalanchoes in the planters all looked to be intact.

是否添加花粉和添加花粉的时间对西花蓟马的为害水平没有显著影响。Adding pollen to impatiens had no effect on feeding damage rate regardless of when it was added.

研究了栽培和野外生长睫毛萼凤的形态和生长表型可塑性。The phenotypic plasticity of growth and morphology in cultivation and in wild Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz.

说明凤仙花籽油在医药、保健品等领域具有广阔的开发应用前景。The study indicated that the Impatiens balsamina Linn seed oil had wide prospect in medicine, health food etc.

而这项新研究把视线转移到了地面上的分享,来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学的研究人员在实验室中盆栽了一种名叫北美凤仙花的植物作为研究对象。This new study is the first to look above ground. Researchers at McMaster University in Canada potted North American impatiens.

小凤仙是宁死不从,老板走投无路便上了吊,所幸是被人发现的早而救了他一命。Little impatiens is would rather die than from, the boss desperate on the crane, fortunately, was discovered early and saved his life.

采用毛细管气相色谱法分析了凤仙花籽油的脂肪酸组成及相对含量。The fatty acid composition of Impatiens balsamina Linn seed oil was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by capillary column gas chromatography.

于是,我马上下楼拿凤仙花上去楼顶种,隔两天浇一次水,每天给它晒一晒太阳,让它茁壮生长。So, I'll take down the roof up Impatiens species, the following two days of pouring a water a day to it drying in the sun and let it grow healthy and strong.

此时赛凤仙突然跑进来说众人要下山,春兰急忙前去阻拦,却被众人质疑连救出夏荷的勇气都没有!The match came in and said they would Impatiens suddenly ran down the mountain, Chunlan hurries to block, but was rescued people questioned even Xia he will have no courage!

研究者们称,是它们的根系识别出了周围的植物是否和自己存在亲缘关系,因为把两株存在“亲戚关系”的凤仙花分别栽种在不同的花盆里再并排放置,它们并没有认出彼此。Researchers say the roots alert plants to the relationship of nearby plants, because when impatiens were planted near siblings but in separate pots, they didn’t recognize their kin.

而当这种植物和与自己没有亲缘关系的凤仙花共用一个花盆时,它们就会使劲长出更大的叶子,好与这个非亲非故的邻居竞争。But when those same impatiens were planted with other impatiens—but not their siblings—they put more energy into growing more and larger leaves that could crowd out the nonrelatives.

一些最受欢迎的床上用品花是菊花、凤仙花和矮牵牛。床上用品的植物通常都开始在温室里。人们购买这些货物集装箱、改种他们。Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias. Bedding plants are usually started in greenhouses. People buy them in containers and replant them.

一些最受欢迎的花有菊花,凤仙花和喇叭花。花圃植物一般先在温室中培育。人们购买的是放在器皿中的花,然后再重新种植。Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias . Bedding plants are usually started in greenhouses. People buy them in containers and replant them.