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这种无为的的代价太大了。The costs of inaction are too great.

无所作为的另一种风险可能就是局部战争。Another risk of inaction could be regional war.

这就是政府腐败和无为的后果。These are results of gov. inaction and corruptions.

日本的无为会有严重的后果。There are serious consequences to Japanese inaction.

难道我们犹犹豫豫,毫无作为就能聚集力量?Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?

发言人抨击政府的怠惰。The speaker lashed at the government for its inaction.

靠优柔寡断、消极等待,我们就能聚积起力量吗?Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction ?

此次疫情是政府监管不力和内讧的结果。It was the result of regulatory inaction and infighting.

我从不担心行动的危险,我更担心不行动的危险。I never worry about action, but only about inaction. " ٫"

好斗的言辞常常是无所作为的借口。Bellicose rhetoric most often serves as an excuse for inaction.

正是Oracle的措施和无为使得这成为可能。Oracle's actions and inaction have actually made this possible.

如果某种危险被夸大,那么不采取行动也许就是上策。When a risk has been overstated, inaction may be the best policy.

被动是一种发展的阻碍,因为无作为轻视进展。Passivity is an impediment to growth for inaction scorns progress.

他在美国国会上公开批评总统提出的工作议案毫无用处。He decries inaction on Capitol Hill over the president's job's bill.

只要我们分歧作,铁筒一般的包围圈就有一个缺口。This opens a breach in the imaginary encirclement caused by our inaction.

世界银行研究报告警告说,在多哈议程上无所作为的代价在上升。The cost of inaction on the Doha Agenda is rising, the World Bank study cautions.

是的,他的失败和庸碌无为也只能是“命”中注定的了。Yes, his failures and inaction can only be commonplace, "fate" of the the doomed.

而金先生只是急切的想展示放任可以到哪一步,有什么可以阻止他们呢?With Mr Kim only too eager to show where inaction can lead, what is stopping them?

无为自化思想是治疗过程的最佳体现。Laozi's thought of inaction is the best expression in the process of psychotherapy.

这会导致无所作为和恐惧,这些正是股市崩盘的先决条件。This leads to inaction and fear — the preconditions for a crash in the stock market.