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你听说过“西安事变”吗?Have you heard of Xi'an Incident?

向消费品安全委员会举报每一个事件Report Every Incident to the CPSC

向消费品安全委员会举报每个事件。Report every incident to the CPSC.

这件事使她心情很不好。The incident put her in a bad mood.

他是这件事的证明人。He is the certifier of this incident.

一个事情发生在内陆的一个小镇。An incident happened in an inland town.

仅仅从一次冲突中判断并不公平。Judging on a single incident isnt fair.

事件调查应及时进行。Incident investigation should be timely.

这本书是关于七七事变的。The book is about the July 7th Incident.

但是,他们否认了该事件的所有信息。They deny all knowledge of the incident.

一名小孩受到友军枪击?A child shot in a friendly-fire incident?

对这件事,我无可奉告。I have nothing to say about the incident.

天安舰事件激怒了整个韩国。South Korea was outraged by the incident.

这桩事使她转到了我这一边。The incident brought her over to my side.

越南发生“东京湾事变”。Gulf of Tonkin incident occurs in Vietnam.

我决定毫不隐瞒地将那件事全讲出来。I've decided to come clean on the incident.

这部电影以现实生活中的一件事为基础。The movie is based on a real-life incident.

这个电影呢是以现实生活中的一件事为基础的。The movie is based on a real-life incident.

我们要从事件中汲取教训。We need to learn lessons from the incident.

那个事件肯定会导致一场危机。That incident will surely bring on a crisis.