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由于恶劣的天气,我们差点就没去成。We almost didn't go because of the inclement weather.

美术用品和书籍,帮助在恶劣天气情况下。Art supplies and books help in case of inclement weather.

他说,尽管天气恶劣,但“她们玩得很尽兴”。Despite the inclement weather, "they had a blast ", he added.

由于气候严酷,所以很少人居住在这个地区。As the climate is so inclement few people live in this region.

我们正面临着险恶的市场和强烈的竞争。We are facing inclement marketing situation and strong competitor.

如天气不稳定,将改于游泳池上课。Classes will be conducted at the swimming pool if inclement weather occurred.

在遇到恶劣天气的时候,CFA有什么应变计划?What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather?

艾菲尔铁塔的塔尖已经湮灭在了恶劣的下雪天中。The view of the top of the Eiffel Tower was obscured by the inclement weather.

不过,如果天气情况恶劣,将可能无法进行第二轮投票。But a second round of balloting might not feasible if inclement weather sets in.

羊毛为羊提供温暖和保护使其免受恶劣天气之苦也不致被太阳晒伤。Wool provides sheep with warmth and protection from inclement weather and sunburn.

李洪志这些居心险恶的说教,是对他“神传文化”的诠释。The inclement heresies of Li Hongzhi were the annotations for his "culture passed by gods".

厄尔尼诺作为一种全球性的气候波动,除了引发坏天气之外,还能挑起内战。El Niño, a worldwide fluctuation in the climate, may provoke civil war as well as inclement weather.

科学领域的技术进步让我们逃离了恶劣天气的影响,帮助我们治愈疾病。Technological advances in science and industry allow us to escape inclement weather and cure illnesses.

伐木者还需要在严酷的环境条件下工作,例如险恶的天气,严寒和酷暑。Loggers also deal with severe environmental conditions such as inclement weather and severe heat or cold.

在购买之前一定要吃透恶劣天气原因方面的政策。Make sure you read and understand the inclement weather clause of the policy before purchasing the policy.

巴卡拉头盔的开放式面罩最早是为一名“严寒天气”克隆人坦克驾驶员设计的。The open-facemask design of Bacara's helmet was first developed for an "inclement weather" clone tank driver.

这位裁缝把他的布料商标注册为“轧别丁”,这是一个来自于莎士比亚戏剧中的词,意思是“恶劣天气中的遮蔽物”。The tailor trademarked his cloth “Gabardine”, a Shakespearean term that referred to shelter from inclement weather.

有市民表示,一直希望该段道路设有上盖,以减轻天气恶劣时带来的不便。Many have indicated that they have always wanted walkway covers to alleviate the inconvenience caused by inclement weather.

红小鬼们开局阶段控制了比赛。比赛的天气十分糟糕,很冷,而且大风也影响了比赛。The young Reds controlled the opening period of a match dictated by inclement weather, as high winds heavily affected play.

这些念头越来越强烈,于是顾不得天气险恶,他决心立刻动身去看彼得。These feelings grew so powerful that, in spite of the inclement weather, he resolved to visit Peter Goldthwaite immediately.