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而且,其可选配件也堪称无与伦比。And the options -- incomparable.

从房子里向外看到的景色非常优美。The views from the house are incomparable.

这是一种无以伦比的高尚境界。This is a kind of incomparable nobleness realm.

列奥纳多达芬奇的无与伦比的绘画作品。The incomparable paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.

啊,那种快乐,那次无与伦比、销魂夺魄的享受!Ah, the joy, the incomparable rapture of that time!

维塔斯。无与伦比的完美来自天堂的礼物。VITAS. Incomparable perfect, A gift comes from the heaven.

接下来发生的是即使在这个糟糕的剧里也举世无双的奇观。What followed was a spectacle incomparable in its badness.

这一修订本不可与先前的版本同日而语。This revised edition is incomparable with the earlier ones.

而路易十三所代表的,正是那无可比拟的奢华。Represented by the Louis XIII, it is that incomparable luxury.

可却不惧怕自欺欺人的愚蠢。自己无比的乐意。But don't fear self-deceiving stupid. His incomparable pleasure.

站在他身边的四个保镖个个身怀绝技。Stand at him nearby of four bodyguard carry an incomparable skill.

安息吧,伊丽莎白泰勒是无以伦比的传奇,她将永垂不朽。R. I. P. Elizabeth Taylor an incomparable legend who will live forever.

它在当地经济价值、防风固沙环保方面均处于无以取代的地位。Its status in economic value and fixing-sand and so on was incomparable.

他在发球、空对打、侧击、杀等许多方面都无与伦比。He is incomparable in many respects-serving, volleying , swipe, and smash.

恰是与政府的联姻要患上IBM获患上无可比拟的真格的力量。It is with the government's marriage makes IBM obtain incomparable strength.

这样一来,她把他推得更远,她的寝宫里永远凄凉无比。In this way, she pushed him too far, her chambers forever bleak incomparable.

看,它玲珑剔透、光彩奕奕,它的价值无与伦比。Look, it is exquisite and dazzlingly brilliant and its value is incomparable.

我们的生命受到自然的厚赐,它是优越无比的。Our life receives the generous gifts by nature, its superior is incomparable.

难忘的回忆与独特的体验在沙芭比亚等待您的光临!Unforgettable memories and incomparable experiences await you at The Suburbia!

懒惰的低音线,较懒惰的鼓,饮小提琴,棒的钢琴和无比的声音。Lazy bass line, lazier drums, lush violins, great piano and incomparable vocals.