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这些技术细节似乎是无足轻重的。The technicalities might seem inconsequential.

它们完全无关紧要,现在我们表示出了数字。They're completely inconsequential 7 and so we now have the number 7.

很多时候,你都可以在每天的,无关紧要的和即兴的时刻中发现它们。Most often, you can find them in everyday, inconsequential and impromptu moments.

没有什么情势——狱中的一天,一个小孩的斥责——是微不足道,无关紧要的。No situation -- a day in prison, a scolding from a child -- is too inconsequential.

在其有线之旅中,如此微不足道的文件是无关紧要的。In the wired portion of its journey, a file of such infinitesimal size is inconsequential.

讯息才是产生价值的东西——而实质性的媒介却常常是无价值的。The message is what provides the value -- the actual recording medium is often inconsequential.

尽管鼓励人人多加使用公交,但公交造成的碳排放并非微不足道。While we are all encouraged to use public transport more, the emissions aren't inconsequential.

一些在家中看似无足轻重的伤在这里都可能是致命的,因为没有任何人可以帮到你。An injury that might be inconsequential back home could prove fatal in the isolated Arctic with no one around to help.

在日本政府全力阻挡核污染的时候,一个只有10英寸的圆形齿轮的状况就显得无足轻重了。As officials in Japan try to stave off nuclear catastrophe, the fate of a 10-inch round gear might seem inconsequential.

每位设计者至少会与一个客户发生争执,有时是关于最小、最无关紧要的细节。Every designer has run into at least one dispute with a client, sometimes over the most minor and inconsequential of details.

然而,没有证据表明女性比男性更擅长于道歉──她们只是会更经常道歉而已,有时仅仅是为了一些无关紧要的事情。Yet there's no proof that women are better than men at apologizing -- they just do it more often, sometimes for inconsequential offenses.

我们不能轻看和忽视作为神家成员的重要性,因为教会是神在世上的计划。Membership in the family of God is neither inconsequential nor something to be casually ignored. The church is God's agenda for the world.

在一开始,先买东西后付款看似数额很小、几乎无关紧要,但随着时间的推移,它却变成了束缚我们的枷锁。Paying later for stuff we get today seems small, almost inconsequential early on –but becomes a noose that strangles as the years wear on.

他们说,许多医生和科学家并不知道有组织的否认艾滋病病因团体的存在,或者把他们当作无关紧要的边缘人士而忽略掉。Many doctors and researchers are unaware of the existence of organised denial groups or ignore them as an inconsequential fringe, they say.

尽管协约者会忽略一些不合理的交易和轻率的誓言,但是一旦有人食言便会惹怒它们。Anyone who reneges on a deal could draw the ire of a kolyarut, although the creature usually ignores inconsequential deals and rashly sworn oaths.

另外,经过几十年的无足轻重的小孩般的叽叽歪歪,日本已经在小泉的领导正一步一步地成为一个更加“正常的”国家。Further, after decades of inconsequential prattle about it, Japan has, under Koizumi, actually taken steps toward becoming a more "normal" country.

这个看似不合逻辑的卖电脑事件,也反应了一个,只有在战场上刀戈相见的人才懂得的,“放下刀剑”的仪式。This apparently inconsequential choice of computers represented a "laying down of the sword" that only those engaged in the battle would recognize.

主要的障碍是一连串五个看似无关紧要的突变,就像一个齿轮系统中的一个棘轮的功能一样,随着运动向前,从不倒退。The main obstacle is a series of five seemingly inconsequential mutations that function like a ratchet in a cog system, allowing motion forward but not back.

此刻他再不会去考虑什么小偷小摸之类的事情了,他只想在自己吐出来之前,赶紧离开这间公寓。He sees Diana Sterling, and he is no longer worried about something as inconsequential as theft. He wants only to get out of that apartment before he throws up.

所以,当上周凌晨我在香港坐在电视前观看比赛时,我不必刻意去编织构成生活的那些微不足道的线索。So when I sat in Hong Kong at dawn last week watching the game on TV, I didn't have to try to manufacture the tiny, inconsequential strands that make up a life.