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一个子块要缩进多少?How much do we indent a subblock?

将段落的第一行缩排。Indent the first line of a paragraph.

确定的订单常称作订货单。A firm order is often called an indent.

这个时候,确保加入的这行有缩进。In this case, be sure to indent the line you've added!

首先,你能不能把每段的第一行缩排?First, could you indent the first line of each paragraph?

而案则不同,腿子大多缩进桌面。The case is different, most of the dioica indent desktop.

不像缩进,它不对长语句进行自动换行。Unlike indent , it does not attempt to wrap long statements.

由于我总是缩进我的代码,所以我没遇到这样的问题。Since I always indent my code, I don't have a problem with this.

一般大额订货需要有30个工作日的运输时间。It takes about 30 workdays on delivering for the big indent generally.

这表明可以拖动任务名称来升级或降级任务。This indicates that you can drag the task name to indent or outdent the task.

用BLOCKQUOTE来缩进文本的用法是不推荐的,应采用样式表。The usage of BLOCKQUOTE to indent text is deprecated in favor of style sheets.

该范例会套用「内文缩排」样式,并且显示讯息方块来暂停程式码。It applies the Normal Indent style and displays a message box to pause the code.

请记住在每月初正式申请领取新订货卡。Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the begining of every month.

采购产品烫印,缩进标记,箔,号码头,传热换热器。Hot Stamping, Indent Marking, Foils , Numbering Heads, Heat Transfer Heat Exchangers.

按给定的缩进级别数从选定行移除缩进字符。Removes the indent characters from the selected lines by the given number of indentation levels.

贵公司7月10日函已收悉,所附订单,以及以矢野公司为付款人,面额680,000元的即期汇票也已收妥。Your letter of 10 July, with indent and sight draft for ¥ 680,000 on Messrs. Yano & Co. , is to hand.

电阻屏的根本特性决定了它的顶部是柔软的,需要能够按下去。The very nature of resistive screens means that their top layer is soft, soft enough to press down and indent.

格式化特性基于嵌套来缩进元素,或者隐藏元素内容,因此可以将视图限制在特定区域。Formatting features indent elements, based on nesting, or hide element content so you can restrict the view to specific areas.

他们制造轮胎模具,大概是为凡世通制造的。当模子被浇铸后,轮胎制造商要看看是否需要用吸盘对它进行缩进处理。After the molds had been cast, the tire manufacturer had had second thoughts and decided to indent his tires with suction cups.

用粗体和缩进等方式突出你的技能和特点。Highlight your skills and attributes in bold or indent them with bullets. Underlining isn’t as effective or clear, so avoid it.