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那出色的表演使观众感到说不出的惊讶。The audience was inexpressibly astonished at the brilliant performance.

月光下,他的脸色苍白,有着难以言表的沮丧。His face in the moonlight showed a pallor and fixity inexpressibly distressing.

他面对大家站着,讨人喜欢的脸上带着难以用语言形容的迷人笑容。He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.

我感到赋予给我的荣耀和责任都无法表达地被加强了。I feel that both the honor and the responsibility allotted to me are inexpressibly enhanced.

那位陌生女士拿出一副莫名其妙的震惊,大叫着“我想也是!”The strange lady put on an air of being inexpressibly shocked, and exclaimed ‘I-should-think-so!

珂赛特,没有想到往了解什么,只在这娃娃和老人间,感到说不出的愉快。Cosette, without troubling herself to understand anything, was inexpressibly happy with that doll and that kind man.

这一天便是那样度过的。珂赛特,没有想到去了解什么,只在这娃娃和老人间,感到说不出的愉快。The day passed thus. Cosette, without troubling herself to understand anything, was inexpressibly happy with that doll and that kind man.

想到要和全家人还有朋友分开这么长一段时间,我就提不起精神来,天气对我来说也是无以言表地阴郁。I was out of spirits at the thought of leaving all my family and friends for so long a time, and the weather seemed to me inexpressibly gloomy.

不,我无法彻底明白这一切,我只晓得,耶稣担当了我们的罪,这个奥秘乃是无可言喻的好消息,我当向主献上永远的感恩、赞美和尊崇。No, all I can really understand is that I owe unending gratefulness, praise, and honor to the One who bore our sin—a mystery of inexpressibly good news.

几个月以来,一想起我当时说的那些话,表现出的那种行为,那种态度,那种表情,我就觉得说不出地难过。The recollection of what I then said, of my conduct, my manners, my expressions during the whole of it, is now, and has been many months, inexpressibly painful to me.

在赋予当前时期特别严肃性的各种条件下,我感到赋予给我的荣耀和责任都无法表达地被加强了。Under the various circumstances which give peculiar solemnity to the existing period, I feel that both the honor and the responsibility allotted to me are inexpressibly enhanced.