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阿拉伯人对他们的语言遗产极其自豪。Arabs are inordinately proud of their linguistic heritage.

另外一个喜欢乔伊喜欢到不得了的人是莫纳亨家里的小姑娘康妮。The other person who loved Joey inordinately was the Monaghan girl, Connie.

随着他的成长,有几个人似乎对他的这个发现显示出了莫大的兴趣。But as he grows up, several people seem inordinately interested in his find.

这种训练的后果是士兵对军官的绝对信赖。Consequence of this kind of training is that privates rely inordinately on their officers.

虽然谷歌特别有用,可是按照人类理解“聪明”这个词来讲,它一点也不聪明。Google is inordinately useful, but it is not remotely intelligent, as we human beings understand that term.

如果您的孩子的房间突然异常安静,难道您不飞快冲过去,确定一切很好?If it is inordinately quiet in the children's room, don't you dash in to reassure yourself everything is okay?

如果知道“如何运行构建系统”的团队重要成员离开了项目,那么项目风险将会大大增加。Project risk increases inordinately if a key team member who knows "how to work the build system" leaves the project.

我在牛津出版的词典中看到,很多garbage的例证都来自加拿大,而且多得有点离谱,这让我有点惊讶。I was surprised because there seemed to be an inordinately high proportion of Canadian garbage references among Oxford dictionaries.

在19世纪、20世纪,非洲裔美国人因其酷爱西瓜而经常被被种族主义漫画所讽刺。In the 19th and early 20th centuries, African Americans often were depicted in racist caricatures as being inordinately fond of watermelon.

爱滋病的第一个病例可能发生在1979年,但直到大量的年轻人患卡氏肿瘤的现象被报道,该病例才开始引起人们的注意。The first cases of AIDS probably occurred in 1979, but the disease was not noticed until an inordinately large number of young men with KS was reported.

她看上去异常地好奇、欢喜,但最后还是会叫我去做讨厌的作业,我通常在晚饭前做完。She seemed inordinately curious and pleased, but would leave me at last to the dreadful homework, which I usually managed to finish right before suppertime.

她看上去异常地好奇、欢喜,但最后还是会叫我去做讨厌的作业,我通常在晚饭前做完。She seemed inordinately curious and pleased, but would leave me at last to the dreadful homework, which I usually managed to finish right before suppertime.

面对如此徘徊的女性,即使那些有房子的男人也开始动起脑筋,避免碰上那些贪婪无厌极其拜金的女人。With such women on the prowl, even men who do have their own homes have come up with techniques to weed out the covetous and the inordinately materialistic.