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原来他喜欢知性而有品味的我。It turns out that he likes intellectuality and taste.

智力与具体能力之间有着必然联系。There is a certain relation between the intellectuality and capability.

做工精致,细腻柔滑,细网孔透出简约和知性。Exquisite quality, smooth and soft, small fishnet disclose your intellectuality and sexiness.

因此,不能简单地把知性思维与形而上学的思维方式划上等号。So, we couldn't simply make the intellectuality thinking equal to the metaphysical thinking mode.

本文从知性这一概念切入对中国现代诗歌的分析。This dissertation makes an analysis of modern Chinese poetry based on the concept of intellectuality.

穆旦对现代诗歌最重要的革新在于凸显了过去新诗中所忽视或未曾处理好的“知性”。What Mu Dan contributed to the modern Chinese poetry is the intellectuality which was neglected before.

作为豪生集团唯一的女性总经理,她的知性干练将在我们面前一一展现。As the only female general manager in Howard Johnson Group, she reveals her intellectuality and capability in front of us.

铅能影响神经系统的许多功能,尤其是对婴幼儿的智力发育和儿童的学习记忆功能的影响。Lead could affect neural functions, mostly intellectuality development of infant as well as learning and memory of small-fry.

人的智力发展有赖于智力活动的水平,同时也依赖于非智力因素。The development of human′s intellectuality relies on both the standard of intellectual activities, and the non-intelligent elements.

本文介绍了洞室定点高精度地应变仪网络化的实现过程,并给出了应用实例。This essay emphasized the implementation of intellectuality and network of the high precision ground strain gauge and presented examples of application.

要从根本上摆脱教学活动中的现代性危机,就必须超越在场的知性,达于一种在场与不在场、知性与德性相通相融的崇高境界。In order to break away from the modern crisis, we must exceed the present intellectuality and integrate the present intellectuality with the absent morality.

康德认为认识主体是一种知性存在,它既不能从自然存在物中去寻找,也不能从人的思维中去寻找。Kant neither considered that we could find out the cognitive subject from natural being or thought, because he considered that it was an intellectuality being.

研究结果显示,基于皮尔曲线的自适应免疫算法在隧道工程智能预测应用中的优越性和实用性。The research results show that the adaptive immune algorithm of the Pearl curve has superiority and effectiveness for intellectuality prediction of tunnel engineering.

今年流行的高腰裙连衣裙,在设计上典雅大方,运用面料的特色来凸显都市女性的优雅从容,柔美知性!High waist dress is very popular this year. This dress features the extremely special patterned fabric, highlighting modern ladies' elegance, tender and intellectuality.

他在哈姆雷特这一人物身上构建的理智与能力的关系昭示着现代认知话语并为之提供了种种范式。His configuration of the relationship between intellectuality and power in the characterization of Hamlet anticipates, and provides models for, modern discourses of knowledge.

它强调知性对创作的介入,强调作品本身应具有知性成分,反对感情、欲望、潜意识对知性的淹没。It emphasizes on the function of the intellectuality to the creative writing, objecting to the obscurity to the intellectuality caused by sentiment, desire and subconsciousness.

为了实现视频监控的智能化,文中最后探讨了一种基于视频序列象素时空相关性检测的运动目标检测算法。In order to realize intellectuality of video monitoring, we finally discuss a kind of motion detection algorithm on the basis of video array space-time relativity in the article.

台州学者大多把台州文化精神归结为“硬气”和“灵气”,并把二者看成是打造台州股份合作经济的文化动因。Lots of scholars regard the cultural spirits in Taizhou as adamancy and intellectuality which are considered as the cultural causes of joint-stock cooperative economy in Taizhou.

这种方法提高了现有标准化试题库的智能性、灵活性和可靠性,进而增强了它们的适用性。Through such a process, intellectuality , flexibility and reliability of the question databases for standardized examinations could be improved, which leads to better adaptability.

而其诗歌的知性表现具有深宏广博的特点,这主要体现在其诗歌的生命意识和时空意识及其艺术表现两个方面。And the poetry's intellectuality performance has deep and vast characteristic, this mainly displays in its poetry life consciousness and space-time consciousness and its art performance.