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他怀着诈取钱财的目的而来。He came with intent to defraud.

普洛明说,他的想法则较为简单。Plomin says his intent is more modest.

定时地有意识地保持联系吧。Stay in touch with regularity and intent.

恐非原意。I'm afraid it was not the original intent.

这种限制的意图是双重的。The intent of this restriction was twofold.

它还表明了所有者和目的。It should also indicate the owner and intent.

人类意想的力量能移山。The power of human intent can move mountains.

这些钱我一分也不要。My intent is to keep none of the money myself.

挑战在于如何辩别消费者的意图。The challenge is to discern consumers' intent.

两个人劫持了那架飞机。The men were intent on hijacking the airplane.

这就是我们的“发展之门”网站的用意。This is the intent of the Development Gateway.

但是让他们学习些什么是我们的目的。But it is our intent that they learn something.

他难以控制,他决定要自行其事。Hard to control, intent on doing his own thing.

从一开始,阿巴特500的意图是明确的。From the start, the Abarth 500's intent is clear.

那被看做是,完全正确,一份意向申明。It was seen, correctly, as a statement of intent.

他的目的是设法使用他已有的运载火箭。His intent was to somehow use the launcher he had.

本文重在说明这诸多的共性。These similarities is importat intent in my paper.

它清晰地表达了意图而且更加简洁。It clearly expresses the intent. It's more concise.

他隐藏过去是为了伤害她吗?Was he concealing his past with intent to harm her?

她们埋着头,专心致志地刺绣。Heads bent, they were much too intent on embroidery.